MSHA - Code of Federal Regulations - 30 CFR 27.0
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MSHA - Title 30 CFR

Subpart A--General Provisions


27.1    Purpose.

27.2    Definitions.

27.3    Consultation.

27.4    Applications.

27.5    Letter of certification.

27.6    Certification of components.

27.7    Certification plate or label.

27.8    [Reserved]

27.9    Date for conducting tests.

27.10    Conduct of investigations, tests, and demonstrations.

27.11    Extension of certification.

27.12    Withdrawal of certification.

Subpart    B--Construction and Design Requirements

27.20    Quality of material, workmanship, and design.

27.21    Methane-monitoring system.

27.22    Methane detector component.

27.23    Automatic warning device.

27.24    Power-shutoff component.

Subpart    C--Test Requirements

27.30    Inspection.

27.31    Testing methods.

27.32    Tests to determine performance of the system.

27.33    Tests to determine explosion-proof construction.

27.34    Test for intrinsic safety.

27.35    Tests to determine life of critical components and subassemblies.

27.36    Test for adequacy of electrical insulation and clearances.

27.37    Tests to determine adequacy of safety devices for bulbs.

27.38    Tests to determine adequacy of windows and lenses.

27.39    Tests to determine resistance to vibration.

27.40    Test to determine resistance to dust.

27.41    Tests to determine resistance to moisture.

Authority:    30 U.S.C. 957   , 961   .

Source:    31 FR 10607, Aug. 9, 1966, unless otherwise noted.

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