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Jonathan B. Cohen    

USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
12011 Beech Forest Road
Laurel, MD 20708

Photo of Jonathan B. Cohen

Telephone: 301-497-5671

Fax: 301-497-5675


Biological Technician (Wildlife)

Primary Responsibilities: 
Geographic Information Systems analyses for the Contaminant Exposure and Effects--Terrestrial Vertebrates database.  Manuscript preparation.  

B.S., Cornell University, 1994 - Natural Resources

M.S., University of Connecticut, 1998 -  Natural Resources

Areas of Expertise/Interest: Wildlife Toxicology; Geographic Information Systems
Publication in peer-reviewed literature of Master's work on contaminant exposure in greater scaup.  Co-authored several other peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters.

Contributed to two world wide web-accessible ecotoxicological databases (Contaminant Exposure and Effects—Terrestrial Vertebrates database, Biological and Ecotoxicological Characteristics of Terrestrial Vertebrate Species Residing in Estuaries).

Received USGS STAR award.

Legislative Review Committee Chairperson for the Maryland-Delaware Chapter of the Wildlife Society, 1999-2000.

President of the University of Connecticut Student Chapter of the Wildlife Society, 1996-97.

Active Projects: 
Applying a bioassessment and monitoring framework for public lands and trust resources in coastal and estuarine habitats of the United States


Sheffield, S.R., K.  Sawicka-Kapusta, J.B. Cohen and B.A. Rattner.  2001.  Rodents and Lagomorphs. Pp. 215-314  In R.F. Shore and B.A. Rattner. Eds.  Ecotoxicology of Wild Mammals. Ecological and Environmental Toxicology Series. John Wiley and Sons, Ltd., NY. 

Cohen, J.B., J.S. Barclay, Major A.R., and J.P. Fisher. 2000. Wintering greater scaup as biomonitors of metal contamination in federal wildlife refuges in the Long Island region.  Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology.  38:83-92. 

Rattner, B.A., J.B. Cohen, and N.H. Golden.  2000.  Contaminant-Effect Endpoints in Terrestrial Vertebrates At and Above the Individual Level. 2000. Pp. 61-94 In Albers, P.H., Heinz G.H., and H.M. Ohlendorf, eds. Environmental Contaminants and Terrestrial Vertebrates: Effects on Populations, Communities and Ecosystems.  SETAC Press. Pensacola, FL.  

Rattner, B.A., J. L. Pearson, N.H. Golden, J.B. Cohen, R.M. Erwin, and M.A. Ottinger. 2000. Contaminant Exposure and Effects--Terrestrial Vertebrates database: trends and data gaps for Atlantic Coast estuaries. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 63:131-142. 

Rattner et al. 1999.  Contaminant Exposure and Effects--Terrestrial Vertebrates Database.
6030 record database. 

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