BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Easing the Business Visa Process

Understanding the basics of obtaining a visa can aid in the daunting process. 

General Process of Obtaining a Visa

A citizen of a foreign country who wishes to enter the United States must first obtain a visa, which allows travel to the port-of-entry and request permission of the U.S. immigration inspector to enter the U.S.  The B-1 "visitor" visa is the nonimmigrant visa for persons desiring to enter the United States temporarily for business.  The process is as follows:

  • Complete the application form DS-156
  • Contact a U.S. embassy in the home country to make an appointment for a required interview 

All males between ages 16-45 are required to complete an additional form, DS-157, to provide detailed history of previous travel and affiliation with various institutions.

How to Ensure a Visa is Issued 

Knowing the specific criteria that the consular officer is looking for during the interview will help ensure visa acceptance.  The job of the consular officer is to assume that every applicant is an intending immigrant.  The applicant's job is to prove their intent to return home.

First, the applicant needs to show strong ties to their home country.  This can include:

  • Proof of job (letter from employer)
  • Evidence of funds to cover travel in the U.S. (salary statements)
  • Proof that applicant is well-established in home country (deed to property)
  • Evidence of strong ties to home country (i.e. to family or educational institution)

Second, the applicant needs to provide information about the proposed trip.  This can include:

  • Details about the U.S. company
  • Purpose of the visit
  • Itinerary
  • Length of stay

**A sponsorship letter from the U.S. company, detailing this information, would greatly assist the applicant.  

These lists are not extensive.  Any documents that the applicant can bring to show that they have compelling reasons to return home and  have a legitimate reason for temporary travel in the U.S. will help guarantee that the consular officer will issue a visa.

Additional Information

Make sure the following materials are brought to the interview: The application form DS-156 (and DS-157, if applicable), a valid passport, a 2x2 photograph, supporting documents, and the application fee.

For more detailed information please visit the Business Visa Center website or the U.S. Department of State website.