BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Trade Events

The U.S. Export Assistance Center of Harrisburg is pleased to inform you of all of the latest events in our area and around the world relating to overseas trade and economic development. Plese click on the links to the left or below to find out information on the latest programs that can assist you in your exporting business!

International Trade Events

Here you will find a select list of international trade events of interest.

International Trade Events

National Trade Events

Here is a selected list of national trade events of interest, including ITA-sponsored events and a selection of upcoming trade fairs. National webinars that focus on exporting to a variety of countries and International Buyer Programs events can be found here.

National Trade Events

Pennsylvania Trade Events

Here we will focus on seminars and trade events taking place in Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania Trade Events


Here you will find a selected list of upcoming webinars


For a comprehensive listing of industry shows, go to

For more information please contact your local trade specialist.