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Thursday, November 01, 2007

CONTACT: Lois Nembhard
Phone: 202-606-6827


eGrants Orientation Calls


Dear AmeriCorps Grantees-

We will be hosting a series of technical assistance calls for current grantees regarding submitting applications for funding in 2008 using eGrants. These calls will review how to create or update your account and demonstrate how to navigate through the eGrants system.

If you will be submitting a continuation application (you are in currently in year one or two of your grant) please join us on Tuesday, November 6th at 12pm EST. The conference call will review using eGrants to submit your application. The call will be recorded in case you are not able to participate.Call-in and replay information will be made available after the call.

If you are recompeting this year, (your program is currently in year three of your grant) please join us on Wednesday, November 7th at 12pm EST.The conference call will review using eGrants to submit your application. The call will be recorded in case you are not able to participate. Call-in and replay information will be made available after the call.

To register for a call, please send an email to by Monday, November 5th. If you do not have access to email, please leave a message at (202) 606-7508.

Please provide the following information:

  • your name,
  • organization, and
  • phone number

We will confirm your registration and provide you with the call-in number and pass code within approximately two business days.

If you have any questions, you may contact your Program Officer. We look forward to speaking with you next week.

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