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Monday, September 17, 2007

CONTACT: Mikel Herrington
Phone: 202-606-6706





2008 Admin/PDAT/Disability applications will be a topic on the October commission cluster calls. As you prepare your applications, please note the following:

  • We anticipate operating under a continuing resolution in early FY 2008. If you are beginning to develop your 2008 Admin plan, you should base your budget on your 2007 allocation. We will update you as we know more in October.
  • At the national conference, we mentioned that we would apply a different formula to calculate the 2008 PDAT and Disability allocations. This will occur in 2009, not 2008. You should base your 2008 PDAT and Disability budgets on your 2007 allocations. At the ED conference in December, we’ll discuss the new formula that we will use to calculate PDAT and Disability beginning in 2009.
  • You may request to carry over unexpended funds from your 2007 Admin and Disability grants into 2008. You may not carry over unexpended PDAT funds. Your total requested budgets for Admin and Disability may be up to your full allocations plus any requested carry over of unexpended funds. In the case of unexpended funds, don’t forget to explain in your Admin or Disability narratives why you have unexpended funds and how you will use them in 2008. Be specific about plans for these funds and ensure that they support one-time activities. Your program officer will consider your request and either approve it as part of your 2008 grant or disapprove it. If disapproved, he or she will contact you to revise your budget.
  • If you intend to request Disability supplemental funds, please remember to include the amount and purpose in your Disability narrative. Supplemental funds are not part of your total disability budget request (which is allocation + carry-over). We will consider and process your supplemental disability funds request after we have awarded your 2008 Disability grant. We will award available supplemental funds to approved requests in March of 2008.
  • In order for us to process your awards efficiently please make sure that your Admin/PDAT/Disability applications are submitted in the correct status of “new” or “continuation”. During the most recent GARP competitive process we received a number of prime applications that were submitted as “new” when in fact they were “continuations”. Correcting this error in eGrants causes unnecessary delays in the award process.

Draft Progress Report Instructions

Please take this opportunity to review and comment on the new draft GPR instructions (attached) that we will be submitting to OMB for approval next week. The public comment period ends Monday, September 17th. We hope to use these instructions for the report due in December. Pay particular attention to Part I, the Demographic elements, since they are new. You will notice that the language has changed since earlier versions as a result of your input—many thanks to those of you who have commented to date.

Click here to read draft progress report instructions (PDF).

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