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Thursday, February 26, 2009

CONTACT: Amy Borgstrom
Phone: 202-606-6930


AmeriCorps State and National Update


Message from Acting Director Lois Nembhard: Implementing the Recovery Act

By now I am sure that you’ve heard the good news: The Corporation is receiving $201 million from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, with $89 million coming to AmeriCorps State and National.We’ve seen through your good work and that of your programs the amazing impact that AmeriCorps can have on communities and individuals in need, and welcome the opportunity to focus the energy, talent and commitment of AmeriCorps to the economic crisis.

As the Recovery Act is implemented, a premium will be placed on transparency and accountability both here at the Corporation and across the government.To that end, please bookmark and visit regularly the government-wide website and the Corporation’s new Recovery page at The page has links to the legislation and to OMB Recovery Act implementing guidance. I strongly encourage you to read section 2.9 of the OMB guidance which details requirements for all recipients of Recovery Act funds.

We held a series of calls for AmeriCorps grantees last week; the playback information can be found on the Corporation’s Recovery page.The next series of calls for state commissions and National grantees will take place on Thursday, March 5. Please visit for call details. We are also preparing guidance and a set of Frequently Asked Questions that will be posted here. Please continue to submit your thoughts, concerns and questions to Your input is greatly appreciated as we develop our implementation plan.

P.O. Accessibility

On a different note, this week your program officers began the staff review phase of the regular ’09 grant review process.They are each organizing their schedules for maximum productivity and you might find that on some days they respond to your calls and emails at specific times rather than throughout the day.You should not, however, experience a decline in the quality of customer service.If a PO is unavailable for an entire day, their outgoing voicemail message and email out-of-office notification will indicate who you should contact instead.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns ( and (202) 606-6827).

New MSY Factors

As you know, we have changed the factors we use to calculate MSYs in eGrants in order to align with the Trust.This change took effect November 11, 2008. This change automatically updated the MSY calculation for all AmeriCorps State and National grant records in eGrants, including all past applications created and awarded for program years 2003 – 2008.

For grantees with less-than-half-time slots, the MSYs on Notices of Grant Award (2003 - 2008) will appear to have increased since your original award when you view the NGA in eGrants.As Program Officers review continuation requests, they will have access to both former and new calculations to in order to distinguish increases caused by the new calculations from requests for expansion.

If you are making slot corrections for years prior to program year 2009, you may request an increase in MSYs to the maximum amount based on the new factors. You may not request additional grant funding to support additional MSYs that are solely the result of the new calculation.

We appreciate your patience during this year of transition. The My AmeriCorps portal will support the new calculation.

Program Income FAQs

Updated Program Income FAQs are now posted here:

You may also reach the file by clicking through Program Management > Financial Management on the Resource Center or searching for Program Income and clicking under Financial Management.If the file that comes up is not dated January 15, 2009 in the footer line, please clear your browser cache and history to enable it to obtain the correct file.

Changing a Less-than-full-time Slot to a Greater Slot Type

We recently received a question about converting less-than-full-time slots to greater slot types. Our policy on changes in member terms of service is intended to help programs manage their MSY and slot allocation, set clear expectations for members, and help grantees set clear guidelines with subgrantees.If a program can document a compelling circumstance which leads to the need to change a term of service after the member’s first 90 days, we will review it.However, the desire to award a higher education award would not qualify.

Your Contact Information in eGrants

Please keep in mind that it is your responsibility to keep your contact information in eGrants up to date. We use this information for a variety of purposes, including e-mailing important information to you, or using the U.S. mail to send you items such as the AmeriCorps Week presentation kits. Take a minute this week and check and make sure all of your information is up to date.

New Federal Financial Report (FFR)

The State Commissions just completed their first Federal Financial Report (FFR). Overall, there was little confusion and the switch from the old FSR to the new FFR has gone smoothly.For additional training information related to the FFR, click on the following link: following information is available:

  • A copy of the FFR form and general instructions to complete the form;
  • An introductory webinar that highlights the changes and the reporting requirements;
  • A more detailed webinar on how to complete the FFR;
  • The most current version of the program income FAQs and how to report program income; and
  • FAQs on the FFR.

If you have any other questions concerning the new FFR or program income, please contact your Grants Officer.

NCCC as a Second Term Opportunity

AmeriCorps NCCC requests your assistance to help promote the NCCC as a 2nd year service option to your currently serving members as well as youth who have not yet been exposed to the many benefits of national service.

NCCC is currently accepting corps member and team leader applications for its fall 2009 and winter 2010 classes. The fall application deadline date for Corps Member and Team Leader applications is April 1, 2009.The winter application deadline dates, for Corps Members and Team Leaders, are July 1 and August 1, respectively.

If you know an 18-24 year old who is team-oriented and not afraid to get moving, get dirty, and have a little fun, visit our website and apply today:

AmeriCorps Week News

We’re very excited about the upcoming third annual AmeriCorps Week, May 9-16. We are so glad you are already thinking about how to shine a spotlight on the great work being done by AmeriCorps members across the country. We are looking forward to a Grand Opening in New York, a great statewide event in Ohio, and fantastic closing events in Flint, Michigan and here in DC at Nationals Field, to name a few events that will take place. We know you will use your creativity to mark the week. You and your programs and members might

We will be providing additional updates as we get closer to the Big Week.

Dates to Remember

  • April 30, 2009 - FFRs due in eGrants for period ending 3/31/2009
  • May 5-7, 2009 - AmeriCorps National Best Practices Conference (Washington, DC)
  • May 9-16, 2009 - ***AmeriCorps Week***
  • June 22-24 - National Conference of Volunteering and Service (San Francisco)

State Formula Applications due July 7, 2009 @ 5:00 p.m. EST.  This deadline has been changed based on your feedback.

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