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Thursday, February 05, 2009

Rob Glazier
Program Officer and Peer Mentor Program Coordinator
AmeriCorps State & National


AmeriCorps National - Peer Mentor Program


Dear AmeriCorps National Grantees:

We are making preparations for our Peer Mentor program Kick-Off for 2009. This program gives staff with AmeriCorps National programs a chance to learn from colleagues around the country. While you may have already requested a mentor or discussed serving as a mentor with your Program Officer, we wanted to give everyone a final opportunity to join the program. If you are a new staff member with your organization (or new to AmeriCorps grant management) and would enjoy working with someone who has tackled many of the same challenges you face, or if you have been in your position for awhile but would like to work on a particular area of program management, a peer mentor may be right for you.

If you have developed an area or areas of expertise in your time managing an AmeriCorps program, your time and talents may be beneficial to staff at another AmeriCorps National program. If you’ve served as a mentor previously, thank you. Should your schedule allow it, we would welcome the chance to pair you up again.

Please contact your Program Officer by February 12 to sign up to be a mentor or to be paired up with a mentor. Please feel free to share the particular area of expertise you would like to offer or the particular skills you’d like to work on.

Please see the attachments for an invitation to serve as a mentor and more information on mentor responsibilities.


Rob Glazier
Program Officer and Peer Mentor Program Coordinator
AmeriCorps State & National



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