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Terms and Conditions


Friday, September 05, 2008

CONTACT: Mikel Herrington
Phone: 202-606-6706


Admin/PDAT/Disability Grants


Dear Commission Colleagues:

Your 2009 Admin/PDAT/Disability applications are due in eGrants by 5:00 PM Eastern Time on Tuesday, November 4th. The application instructions are attached. Also attached is the projected 2009 allocation chart that we disseminated to you recently. You should use these allocation amounts when creating your budgets. This year you will be allowed to carry-over Admin/PDAT/Disability funds. Your applications’ budgets should include anticipated carry-over that you intend to use in 2009.

Reporting Requirements

OMB circulars require a minimum of one progress report for each of these grants per year. The narrative section of your Administrative grant application includes questions regarding your ongoing activities and progress. You fulfill your Admin grant reporting requirements for the current year by describing your progress in your new application narrative. However, the PDAT and Disability grant application questions for the upcoming year do not require you to report on the activities of the current year. Consequently, the Corporation is implementing a new reporting form for PDAT and Disability grants.

To minimize the reporting burden to you, we have created forms that capture the essential information we need at the Corporation level for PDAT and Disability grants. The new reporting forms will be available for you to submit through eGrants on November 4th. I have attached a Microsoft Word document that details the reporting elements. You may complete your PDAT and Disability reports on the attached forms and then cut and paste the information into eGrants on November 4th when the forms are available online. The reports are due on November 4th at the same time as your 2009 applications.

Admin/PDAT/Disability Conference call

We will host a conference call to discuss your questions regarding submission of your 2009 Admin/PDAT/Disability applications and 2008 reporting on Wednesday, September 10th from 4:00 PM until 5:00 PM Eastern time. The call-in information is below. You may email questions ahead of time to your Program Officer, and we will endeavor to have responses prepared for the call.


Call Date: Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Call Time: 4:00 p.m. ET
Dial in Number: 800-593-8948
Passcode: 7724234
Leader: Mr. Mikel Herrington

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