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Monday, June 16, 2008

CONTACT: Amy BorgstromĀ 
Phone: 202-606-6930


Training & Technical Assistance Update


Dear Colleagues

Since the beginning of FY 2008 you have received messages about the decrease in training funds for 2009, which will impact the resources available to invest in training and technical assistance providers. In 2009, almost all TTA support will be provided remotely, mostly through the Resource Center (through on-line materials, webinars, online courses, and some e-mail and telephone coaching). In anticipation of this, you will be introduced to a redesign of a more robust and accessible Resource Center at the national conference and we look forward to hearing your feedback on the new site when we are together in Atlanta.

We understand that the changes in TTA funding and the necessity of moving from a "high touch" to a more "high tech" delivery model will have a greater impact on some more than others. Regardless, we look forward to working together with you to manage this change. National programs can anticipate in upcoming conference calls devoted to this topic, and you will be notified of the times and dates. This will also be discussed at the Training Officers Affinity Group meeting during the conference (Monday, June 2 at noon) and at the upcoming state commission executive directors meeting in September 2008 where we are planning an in-depth conversation on innovative approaches to TTA. We look forward to these opportunities to hear your suggestions on how to make this transition as smooth as possible.

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