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South Carolina

Export Financing

Export Financing image of Cash

Export financing is often a key factor in a successful sale. Contract negotiation and closure are important, but at the end of the day, your company must get paid.

Exporters naturally want to get paid as quickly as possible, while importers usually prefer to delay payment until they have received or resold the goods. Because of the intense competition for export markets, being able to offer attractive payment terms customary in the trade is often necessary to make a sale. Exporters should be aware of the many financing options open to them so that they choose the most acceptable one to both the buyer and the seller. In many cases, government assistance in export financing for small and medium-sized businesses can increase a firm's options.

These loan and credit insurance programs can help you get your small business exports off the ground. 

PRE - Export Financing

The SBA Export Express program provides exporters and lenders a streamlined method to obtain SBA backed financing for loans and lines of credit up to $250,000.  Lenders use their own credit decision process and loan documentation; exporters get access to their funds faster.  The SBA provides an expedited eligibility review and provides a response in less than 24 hours.  For further information, please visit the SBA's website .   Exporters can even use this program to finance foreign travel, attendance at foreign trade shows, translation/publication of marketing materials for foreign markets, etc...

Ex-Im Bank's working capital financing enables U.S. exporters to obtain loans that facilitate the export of goods or services. These working capital loans, made by commercial lenders and backed by our guarantee, provide you with the liquidity to accept new business, grow your international sales and compete more effectively in the international marketplace.  


  • Fulfill export sales orders
  • Turn export-related inventory and accounts receivable into cash
  • Expand access to financing

For eligibility and details, please visit Exim Bank.

POST-Export Financing

In addition to the Working Capital Loan program above, the Exim Bank can also provide very affordable, very competitive credit insurance for your foreign receivables.  This allows you to extend terms to your foreign buyers, while adding the insured receivables to your borrowing base.  Exporters like it, bankers like it, your foreign customers expect it.  View details and apply on-line at Exim Bank.  On too may occasions, U.S. firms have lost sales to European competitors because of their inability to extend credit terms to prospects.