NPPSD - North Pacific Pelagic Seabird Database
Database Design
Database Metadata
Source Data
Use of Data
North Pacific Maps
Alaska Maps
Canada Maps
Russia Maps
Working Group


NPPSD Data Archive Model
Raw Data - The raw data is archived in its original format. There is great variability among raw data files. Data files may consist of one or more “cruises”. These files will be kept in ASCII text file format for easy interchange.
Compiled Data - Compilations of data files into data tables. Tables are organized by the general format of the surveys. If a series of surveys shared the same formats they were combined into a single table. Compiled data tables are archived as MS Access (.mdb) files.
Working Data - Compiled datasets are summarized to provide densities for all marine bird and marine mammal species. For data tables reporting species sightings in 10-15 minute increments, this entails division of bird numbers by the area sampled. Continuously collected data was first binned into 10 minute blocks then dividing by the area sampled. Working data are archived as MS Access (.mdb) files. These data on density will eventually be provided to an Arc/IMS map server for online mapping.
Metadata - Metadata are available for the “Raw Data” (by survey), as well as for the “Working Data”. A crosswalk is provided to allow researchers to associate data from Working Data, Compiled Data, and finally the Raw Data. Metadata are stored in an MS Access database (.mdb) file. See the Metadata page for more information.
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