Ready Campaign Offers Your State and Town Useful Tools
The Ready Campaign in partnership with The Advertising Council, has produced public service advertising (PSA) materials. The materials include television, radio, print, Web banners and out-of-home ads. To view all of the ReadyPSAs, please visit PSA Central
The ads are designed to educate and empower Americans to prepare for and respond to all kinds of emergencies. They are easy to localize which means state and local governments can “tag” the Ready PSAs that run in their area with their organization’s logo and use the ads to direct residents to their own local emergency preparedness Web sites. The Ad Council can assist in localizing the PSAs and securing local donated media commitments. For more information on how to localize the ReadyCampaign in your community, contact the Ready Campaign at
Please see below for details on agencies that have localized thus far.
San Francisco
The City of San Francisco localized the Ready Campaign in December 2006 including three television spots (Meeting Place, Cell Phone and Tomato Paste). The ads fulfill to a local San Francisco Web site,
The city of San Francisco also held an event in December 2006, “Honoring the Bay Area”, to launch the 72 Hours emergency preparedness campaign.
The Office of Emergency Management and Communication's Alert Chicago program localized the Ready Campaign in February 2007 including three television spots (Meeting Place, Cell Phone and Tomato Paste) and three radio spots in varying lengths (Meeting Place, Food and Kids-Emergency). The ads fulfill to a local Chicago Web site,
San Diego County
The San Diego County Office of Emergency Services localized the Ready Campaign in April 2007 including three televisions spots and one outdoor spot (Meeting Place, Cell Phone, Tomato Paste and Map). The ads fulfill to a local Web site
York County
The York County Office of Emergency Management in Pennsylvania localized the Ready Campaign in April 2007 including three television spots (Meeting Place, Cell Phone and Tomato Paste). The ads fulfill to a local York County Web site,
New York City
The New York City Office of Emergency Management localized the Ready Campaign in June 2007. The campaign included five television spots (Meeting Place, Cell Phone, Tomato Paste, Tia Contigencia and Corner of the Ring), one radio spot in varying lengths (Meeting Place), two print ads (Map and Water), a web banner (Map) and one outdoor spot which was displayed on a wallscape in Manhattan’s Gramercy neighborhood. The ads fulfill to a local New York City Web site,
The Virginia Department of Emergency Management localized the Readycampaign in June 2007 including five televisions spots (Meeting Place, Cell Phone, Tomato Paste, Tia Contigencia and Corner of the Ring) and two radio spots in varying lengths (Meeting Place and Food). The English and Spanish ads fulfill to the respective local Web sites: and
Kansas City
The Metropolitan Emergency Managers Committee of Greater Kansas City localized the ReadyCampaign in August 2007 including three television spots (Meeting Place, Cell Phone and Tomato Paste). The ads fulfill to a local regional Web site,
The Georgia Emergency Management Agency localized the ReadyCampaign in January 2008 including three television spots (Meeting Place, Cell Phone, and Tomato Paste) and two radio spots in varying lengths (Meeting Place and Food). Georgia also localized out-of-home (Map) in April 2008. The ads fulfill to a local Georgia Web site,
GEMA also held a Severe Weather Awareness Ceremony and Ready Georgia launch event hosted by Governor Sonny Perdue in January 2008
The Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency localized the ReadyCampaign in May 2008 including three television spots (Cell Phone, Tomato Paste and Corner of the Ring) and one radio spot in varying lengths (Meeting Place). The ads fulfill to a local Massachusetts Web site,
As part of the Houston UASI Region's Citizen Preparedness project, the City of Houston localized the Ready Campaign in May 2008 including five television spots (Meeting Place, Cell Phone, Tomato Paste, Tia Contigencia and Corner of the Ring), Live Announcer Copy for radio, four print ads (Map, Food Pantry, Battery and Flashlight), one outdoor execution (Map) and four web banners (Map, Food, Plan, Flashlight). The ads fulfill to a local Houston Region Web site,
The City of Houston also held an event in June 2008 where the Houston Mayor White and DHS Secretary Chertoff announced the launch of the Ready Houston Texas program.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania localized the Ready Campaign in September 2008 including three television spots (Meeting Place, Tomato Paste and Tia Contigencia). The ads drive viewers to a local Pennsylvania Web site,
The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) held an event in September 2008 where PEMA Director Robert P. French announced the launch of the Commonwealth’s Citizen Preparedness and Outreach Campaign, Ready PA.
For additional information on how to create an emergency preparedness campaign for your community, visit