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Chief of Program Operations - Kristin McSwain


Kristin McSwain is Chief of Program Operations and the Director of AmeriCorps State and National for the Corporation for National and Community Service, an independent federal agency.

As Chief of Program Operations, McSwain oversees the day-to-day operations of the Corporation’s programs including Senior Corps, Learn and Serve America, AmeriCorps NCCC, AmeriCorps VISTA, and AmeriCorps State and National for which she also serves as the Director. McSwain was appointed the Director of AmeriCorps State and National, the largest of the Corporation’s programs, in August 2006 and named Chief of Program Operations in October of 2008.

McSwain has spent her entire professional career in national and community service. After graduating college in 1991, McSwain enrolled as a corps member with Teach for America, serving as a fifth-grade teacher in St. Mary Parish, Louisiana. She continued to promote quality education through Teach for America and Citizen Schools as a staff member. In 1997, McSwain joined the staff of the Massachusetts Service Alliance, initially directing Learn and Serve and AmeriCorps programs before her appointment to Chief Executive Officer for the Alliance in 2003.

McSwain is a strong advocate of community service and volunteering and an active participant in many volunteer and charitable organizations. She has served on the boards of Boston Cares, Friends of the Children Boston, and the GreenLight Fund. Prior to coming to the Corporation, McSwain was co-chair of Voices for National Service.

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