Model Change Bulletin MCB#2 02/09/2009 AERMAP (dated 09040) This Model Change Bulletin documents changes made to the AERMAP Terrain Preprocessor for the AERMOD Dispersion Model. A brief description of the changes is provided below. Additional details are also available in the Fortran source code. Changes to the user instructions associated with this update are documented in an updated AERMAP User's Guide Addendum. This revised version of AERMAP (dated 09040) includes the following modifications relative to the previous version (dated 06341): -- Bug Fixes: 1. Corrected errors with processing of DEM data for Alaska, including handling of non-uniform delta-x and delta-y DEM node spacing. These corrections also permit use of all types of Alaska DEM data, including 1-Degree, 15-Minute, and 7.5-Minute data. 2. Corrected error that may occur with some cross-UTM zone applications when NAD (datum) conversions are performed. 3. Modified several subroutines to address errors and potential issues associated with receptors and sources located beyond the range of DEM profiles that are not accounted for by checks included in previous versions. These problems have primarily been associated with non-standard (non-USGS) DEM files that were converted from other data formats. Receptors located in gaps between terrain files due to NAD conversions and receptors located within gaps inside terrain files are more clearly identified and documented. Receptor (and source) elevations for gap locations are assigned a missing code of -9999.0, unless the new 'FILLGAPS' option on the DATAFILE keyword for DEM files is specified. Modified the MAIN program unit to loop through all terrain files until a non-missing (non-gap) elevation is determined. Also improved the handling of "edge receptors" beyond the range of profiles within 7.5-minute DEM files to check for the north-south displacement in selecting the closest elevation nodes. These issues with edge and gap receptors should be eliminated with the enhancements to AERMAP to support the use of USGS National Elevation Dataset (NED) input data (see item #1 below under Enhancements). Note that the 'FILLGAPS' option is not available for NED files since these gaps should not occur with the use of NED data. 4. Modified subroutine OUCARD to correct errors with OU pathway options, which required that RECEPTOR keyword precede the SOURCLOC keyword in the input file. 5. Modified subroutine SOLOCA to recognize all source types currently supported by AERMOD on the SO pathway, including POINTCAP, POINTHOR, and OPENPIT. 6. Fixed bug related to assignment of domain for cases with 7.5-minute DEM files based on UTM coordinates and domain based on geographic coordinates using the DOMAINLL keyword. This bug could have resulted in AERMAP errors for domain outside the range of DEM data for applications where the domain extends close to the edge of the data. 7. Modified subroutines DEMREC, DEMSRC, and CHKEXT to allow for non-standard (non-USGS) terrain files with boundaries that follow UTM lines rather than latitude/longitude lines in assigning receptors, sources, and domain corners to terrain files. 8. Modified subroutine INITER_DEM to correct the application of the adjustment for elevation of local datum (LOCEL) for DEM files. 9. Modified subroutines INITER_DEM, RECELV, and SRCELV to address potential problems with handling of nodes assigned missing elevations in DEM and NED files. -- Enhancements: 1. Added capability to process USGS National Elevation Dataset (NED) input data in place of DEM data. AERMAP currently supports NED data files in the GeoTIFF format, requiring only the *.tif file downloaded from the USGS Seamless Data Server ( AERMAP allows for multiple NED files, and supports GeoTIFF files in geographic or UTM projected coordinates, although NED data from the USGS Seamless Data Server should be in geographic coordinates. Note that GeoTIFF is NOT the default data format for NED data downloaded from the Seamless Data Server. The user must modify the download request to specify the format as GeoTIFF. 2. Incorporated capability for processing "mixed" DEM files in a single AERMAP run, including all types of Alaska DEMs, as well as non-Alaskan 1-Degree and 7.5-Minute DEMs. Receptor elevations are assigned based on the first DEM file encountered that contains the receptor, unless the receptor is located within a data gap inside the file. Users are required to identify more refined, higher resolution data first in the runstream input file if a receptor is located within more than one DEM file. This permits the use of the highest resolution data available to estimate elevations, even though the higher resolution data may not be available for the entire modeling domain. This enhancement allows the use of 1-degree DEM data to fill in gaps within the coverage of 7.5-minute DEM data, such as 7.5-minute quadrangles that are entirely over water. AERMAP also allows "mixed" resolution NED files, with the same restrictions as for DEM files. However, AERMAP does NOT support both DEM and NED files in the same AERMAP run. 3. The DOMAINXY or DOMAINLL keyword is no longer required on the CO pathway. When the user-specified domain is omitted, AERMAP will use all of the elevation data included in the input files in the calculation of critical hill height scales. 4. Array storage limits in AERMAP are now dynamically allocated at runtime, based on the data requirements of the specific application. This includes explicit treatment of the number of DEM/NED files, sources, receptors, profiles per data file and the maximum number of nodes per profile. 5. Added support for the INCLUDED keyword on the SO and RE pathways to allow source and receptor data from separate files to be included in the AERMAP input. 6. Modified subroutine CALCHC to use a more accurate approach for calculating distances based on geographic coordinates, from the NGS INVERSE program. Modified code for optimizing hill height calculation by skipping DEM or NED files when possible to be more generic in order to support the use of mixed and non-standard DEM files. Also modified subroutine CALCHC to improve optimization for processing hill height calculations, including changes to take advantage of more accurate distance calculation for geographic files to calculate distances between profiles. 7. Modified subroutine DATFIL to include an option on the DATAFILE keyword for NED data to generate a GeoTIFF debug output file containing results for all TIFFTags and GeoKeys contained within the file. The DATAFILE keyword for NED data also includes an option for user-specified elevation units for NED data on the DATAFILE keyword. The optional keyword for the TIFF debug file is 'TIFFDEBUG'. AERMAP generates a hard-coded filename for the TiffDebug file as 'TiffDebugFile_nnnnn.dbg', where 'nnnnn' is the NED file number based on the order listed in the AERMAP.INP file. The optional user-specified elevation units can be specified as 'FEET', 'METERS', 'DECIFEET', 'DECIMETERS', 'DECAFEET', or 'DECAMETERS' (note that secondary keywords are not case-sensitive). Most NED GeoTIFF files currently do not include the GeoKey to identify the elevation units. The default assumed by AERMAP in those cases is 'METERS', based on documentation provided by the USGS for NED data. If elevations units are specified within the GeoTIFF file and a conflict is found between the GeoKey in the NED file and the user-specified units, a fatal error message is generated to abort processing. Also note that the optional 'CHECK' parameter available on the DATAFILE keyword for DEM files is not applicable to NED data. 8. Increased maximum length for filenames to 200 (controlled by the ILEN_FLD parameter in mod_main1.f), and the maximum input string length to 512 (controlled by the ISTRG parameter in mod_main1.f). Also modified subroutine DEFINE to allow double quotes (") as field delimiters in the AERMAP.INP file to support filenames with embedded spaces. Note that the double quotes do not count toward the limit for the maximum field length. 9. Added an optional keyword for the CO pathway to allow the user to specify a pathname for the NADCON grid shift files (such as CONUS.LAS and CONUS.LOS). The optional keyword is NADGRIDS. The pathname can include embedded spaces if double quotes (") are used as field delimiters. The default path for the NADCON grid shift files without the NADGRIDS keyword is the local folder containing the AERMAP.INP file. Also moved the call to subroutine NGRIDS to follow calls to subroutines DEMCHK and NEDCHK such that the NADCON grid shift files are only accessed if needed, based on the value of NADA specified by the user and the reference datums for all of the terrain files. -- Miscellaneous: 1. Modified several subroutines, including UTMGEO, NADCON, DEMREC, DEMSRC, RECCNV, SRCCNV, RECELV, and SRCELV, to use standard convention of negative values for West longitude. This simplifies some aspects of the code, improves consistency with other tools, such as AERSURFACE, improves ability to support alternative elevation data sources, such as NED, and improves portability of AERMAP for applications beyond the Northern/Western hemispheres. As part of these modifications, the DOMAINLL and DOMAINXY keywords both expect the domain to be defined by the coordinates for the lower-left and upper-right corners of the domain. The DOMAINLL keyword in previous versions required the domain to be specified based on the lower- right and upper-left. Code has been included in AERMAP to support older AERMAP.INP files by adjusting the DOMAINLL inputs as necessary to conform with the new convention. A warning message is generated in these cases, and the adjusted DOMAINLL inputs are included in the AERMAP.OUT file, as well as the RECEPTOR and SOURCLOC output files. The direct access terrain file format has also been modified to use I3 for the UTM zone field, to accommodate negative UTM zones, which are used to indicate Southern Hemisphere coordinates. 2. Adjusted "map array" outputs in MAPPARAMS.OUT debug file to accommodate mixed DEM files and to improve handling of non-standard DEM files, coverted from other formats. 3. Modified data structures for storing DEM file corner coordinates (new subroutine CNRCNV) to improve the readability of code, eliminate redundancy, and to use consistent reference points for domain. 4. Modified subroutine OPENFL in NADCON.F to assume record length based on bytes rather than words when reading the binary NAD grid files (*.las and *.los files). This will improve the portability of AERMAP to other platforms and compilers, but may require inclusion of compiler options to specify the record length based on bytes for some compilers, such as the /assume:byterecl option for the Intel Fotran compiler used to generate the Windows-based executable for AERMAP. 5. Modified subroutine SOCARD to ignore the SRCPARAM keyword on the SO pathway, but issue a warning message. Previous versions of AERMAP did not allow for the SRCPARAM keyword, causing a fatal error. This may facilitate the inclusion of portions of AERMOD input files with source locations into the AERMAP.INP file more easily in some cases. 6. Replaced ELEV logical variable, used to specify that terrain elevations would be provided by the user, with new EXTRACT logical variable to specify that terrain elevations will be extracted from DEM data (the default option). EXTRACT=.true. in version 09040 code is equivalent with ELEV=.false. in previous versions. 7. Modified subroutines SRCOUT and RECOUT to include model rundate and runtime in the header of the source and receptor output files. Also modified appropriate subroutines to include a header with version date, rundate and runtime in the debug output files. 8. Modified data structures and formats to support use of double precision for elevation variables. 9. Modified subroutine HEADER in aermap.f to use ASCII form feed character [ACHAR(12)] to eliminate need for non-standard option of CARRIAGECONTROL = 'FORTRAN' in OPEN statement for 'aermap.out' file, and modified subroutine FILOPN to eliminate the use of the CARRIAGECONTROL = 'Fortran' option when opening the aermap.out file. This improves the portability of the AERMAP code. Also modified subroutines SETUP and COCARD to remove '1X' from format statements for echoing runstream inputs to output file since Fortran carriage-control is no longer applied. This eliminates the column shift in the input portion of the aermap.out file. 10. Miscellaneous code clean-up, including; a. modifying subroutine DEMCHK to eliminate redundant information in the MAPDETAIL.OUT debug file, eliminate reading of the Record B data to optimize runtime, and simplify logic related to determining the file record type; b. modify the DOMDETAIL.OUT debug file to include information on the direct access files used to store elevations for the portion of each terrain file that falls within the user-specified domain; c. including error checking on the length of user-specified filenames to trap on filenames that the limit based on the ILEN_FLD parameter; d. modifying criterion for "latitude out-of-range" warning from 60 to 66 degrees; e. cleaning up unused portions of NADCON code; f. additional initialization of variables where needed; g. error checking on consistency between UTM zone on ANCHORXY keyword and the UTM zone(s) based on the domain or range of data; and h. cleanup of unused error and warning messages and reordering of messages. ***************** * IMPORTANT * ***************** This program will henceforth be identified by its name and a Julian date, i.e.: AERMAP (dated 09040). Future changes to this model will be identified by an updated Julian date found at the beginning of the model source code and followed by a reference to a SCRAM Model Change Bulletin (MCB#n) which will explain the nature and content of the changes. All Model Change Bulletins for this program will always be available for back reference on this website. In the future, notification of changes (MCBs) to this program will be made in the SCRAM ALERTS section of this website.