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Here's Something To Think About...

Choose an emergency contact person outside your area, as it may be easier to call long distance after a local/regional emergency.

Public Service Advertisements

Ready Campaign Public Service Advertisements (PSAs)

In order to encourage Americans to prepare themselves, their families and their communities, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, in partnership with The Advertising Council, has sponsored public service advertisements (PSAs) that educate and empower Americans to prepare for and respond to all kinds of emergencies. The Ready Campaign asks individuals to do three key things to prepare for the unexpected: get an emergency supply kit, make a family emergency plan, and be informed about the different types of emergencies that could occur and their appropriate responses.

The Campaign has television, radio, print, outdoor and internet advertisements directed toward individuals and families; radio, print, outdoor and internet advertisements directed toward owners and managers of small and medium-sized business; and television, radio, print, outdoor and internet advertisements for Spanish speakers. All of the Ready ads are PSAs, meaning they run in donated media space only.

In November 2006, the campaign released new English PSAs for individuals and families which feature real people and take a documentary style approach as well as a new ad with Former First Lady, Mrs. Laura Bush. In January 2007, new Spanish PSAs were released which highlight the importance of emergency preparedness through the use of Hispanic cultural metaphors that embody the need to have an emergency plan. To view all of the television PSAs, click below. To view all of the Ready Campaign's PSAs visit the Ad Council Web site at

Tomato Paste Photo Meeting Place Still Photo
Tomato Paste (30 seconds)
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Meeting Place (30 seconds)
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Cell Phone Still Photo Picking Up the Girls Still Photo
Cell Phone (30 seconds)
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Picking Up the Girls (30 seconds)
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First Lady Laura Bush Photo
Former First Lady, Laura Bush (30 seconds)
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