BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

New Orleans


Jackson Square in New Orleans

Welcome to the website of the New Orleans U.S. Export Assistance Center (USEAC), an agency of the U.S. Dept. of Commerce/International Trade Administration/U.S. Commercial Service.  For inquiries, please call ahead or email us regarding our Export Assistance programs.

Export Assistance:

The New Orleans USEAC offers a variety of programs and services to help U.S. companies enter new overseas markets or increase their current export sales markets. The U.S. Commercial Service maintains offices in American Embassies and Consulates in approximately 70 countries and in over 100 U.S. cities. Commercial Service programs are designed to help small and medium size export-ready U.S. firms by providing them with a unique link to foreign market information, contacts, and trade expertise. USEAC services include:

  • Export Counseling
  • Export Finance Counseling
  • International Market Research
  • Trade Contacts
  • Trade Promotion Events and Programs
  • Advocacy on International Contracts
  • Information on Export Documentation and Export Licensing

In addition, the USEAC works closely with an array of experienced international business partners, including other federal export agencies, state and local organizations, and private sector agencies.

Export Financing:

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and the Export-Import Bank of
the U.S. (EXIM) offer assistance and programs for loans that are used to
finance exports.

  • For SBA export loan information, call the Houston office at (817) 310-3749.
  • For EXIM Bank loan information, call the Dallas office at (214) 551-4959.

Areas Served by the New Orleans USEAC: 

Donald van de Werken:  Shreveport-Monroe area
Erin Butler-Mueller:  New Orleans Metro area
Delilah DeSouza:  Alexandria-Lafayette-Lake Charles area
Brie Knox:  Baton Rouge-Houma-Northshore area