Butte Resource Management Plan  Butte Montana Field Office Planning Area Home Page BLM Home Page Butte Resource Management Plan Home Page


Draft RMP/EIS Contents Page

Proposed RMP/Final EIS Contents Page

Welcome to the Butte Resource Management Plan project web site. This site contains important news and developments for all aspects of the resource planning process for the public lands managed by the Butte Field Office, Montana.

The Butte Field Office Planning Area was originally a part of the Headwaters Resource Area. The Headwaters Resource Management Plan (RMP) was signed in July 1984 and encompassed approximately 312,000 surface acres and 656,000 acres of federal mineral estate located in nine counties - Broadwater, Cascade, Gallatin, Jefferson, Lewis & Clark, Meagher, Park, Pondera, and Teton.

In 1983, jurisdictional boundaries of the Butte Field Office, Montana were adjusted to encompass BLM - administered public land in eight counties; south - half of Lewis and Clark, Broadwater, Jefferson, Deer Lodge, Silver Bow, Gallatin, Park and a portion of Beaverhead county along the Big Hole River.

Due to administrative boundary changes, combined with the advanced age of the existing land use plans for the area, the Butte Resource Management Plan is being revised. The Draft Butte Resource Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement (Draft RMP/EIS) was released for a 120-day public comment period in summer 2007. The Proposed RMP/Final EIS has now been released, and the 30-day protest period began September 26, 2008, with publication of the Notice of Availability in the Federal Register by the Environmental Protection Agency. The protest period will end October 27, 2008. See the Draft RMP/EIS Contents, Proposed RMP/Final EIS Contents, and Public Participation pages for more details.

For additional information, please contact Timothy LaMarr, BLM Project Manager, at Timothy_LaMarr@blm.gov.

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Butte Field Office, Montana

Updated October 1, 2008


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