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Department Seal Kosovo Update
Released by the Bureau of European Affairs, Office of South Central European Affairs,
U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC,
February 19, 1999

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(Editor's Note: With the progressive changeover of responsibility from KDOM to OSCE/KVM, the KDOM Daily Report has been replaced by this Update, which is published as material becomes available.)

Compiled by EUR/SCE (202-647-5624) from daily reports of the U.S. element
of the Kosovo Diplomatic Observers Mission and other sources

February 19, 1999

As the Saturday noon deadline for agreement to a political solution at the Rombouillet talks approaches, KDOM and KVM report heightened military movement in Kosovo. A visible increase in the movement of F.R.Y. VJ and police units and their equipment has been noted in the past 24 hours. VJ convoys of tanks and APCs were noted moving around Urosevac while another convoy including many personnel carriers, believed to have originated in Nis, was reported moving into Podujevo. VJ aircraft are flying today around Vucitrn, and military vehicles are clogging many roads. All this activity, however, seems more symbolic than tactical, according to observers.

Perhaps more significant are reports from KDOM of unusually heavy concentrations of F.R.Y. armor and heavy artillery deployed in that sector of Serbia just north of Kosovo. These forces seem to be poised along a road leading directly to Podujevo.

Notwithstanding the heightened activity, the situation on the ground remains generally quiet. There are reports of a few exchanges of fire in the Gornja Lapastica area south of Podujevo, but no details or reports of casualties have been forthcoming.

As tomorrow's Rombouillet deadline approaches, KDOM and KVM are preparing for whatever the outcome may be. KVM Director Walker is scheduled to meet with F.R.Y. General Loncar today to remind him of the F.R.Y.'s responsibility for the safety of OSCE personnel in Kosovo. Should an evacuation of personnel be ordered, the F.R.Y. has the responsibility to assure the safe removal of all unarmed KVM observers. Ambassador Walker will also meet with KLA commanders in Dragobilje tomorrow, at their request, to discuss the security situation.

[End of Document]

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