Fort Union Trading Post
Historic Structures Report (Part II)
Historical Data Section
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HS 3, Northeast Bastion

The origins of the northeast bastion are identical to the southwest bastion. In 1843, Denig described the two as being the same: 24 feet square, over 30 feet in height, and having 3-foot thick walls. The buffalo weather vane on top has already been noted. This bastion's armament was greater than was the southwest's; Denig (1843) wrote that it had "one three-pounder iron cannon and one brass swivel . . . together with a dozen muskets."

The dormer opening onto its gallery, as shown in several sketches, was on the west slope of the roof, facing into the fort. Although two sketches (unknown artist [U. S. wagon] and the Bedticking) show a third story of wood, the basic structure of this bastion was not altered. The 1866 photograph shows clearly that it was still a 2-story stone structure. Its walls were whitewashed and, like the other's, shingles covered its roof.

The matter of openings in its walls is as much a matter of conjecture, for the most part, as is the southwest's:

Ground Floor: West side: Point (1847) -- 3 slits
Kurz (1852) -- 3 slits

South side: Murray (1845) -- 1 large opening
Soldier (1864) -- 3 large opening

East side: Murray (1845) -- 3 large opening
Soldier (1864) -- 4 large openings

North side: Kurz (1852) -- 4 slits
Bedticking (?) -- 1 large opening
Second Floor: West side: Kurz (1852) -- 1 large opening, 3 slits

South side: Sprague (1843) -- 1 large opening
Murray (1845) -- 1 large opening
Stanley (1853) -- 1 large opening
Soldier (1864) -- 1 large opening, 2 slits

East side: Sprague (1843) -- 1 large opening
Murray (1845) -- 3 large opening
Soldier (1864) -- 3 large opening

North side: Kurz (1852) -- 4 large opening, 4 slits
Photo (1866) -- 1 large opening
Bedticking (?) -- 1 large opening

By the time the Soldier drew his sketch in 1864, it appears that the gallery around the northeast bastion had been removed. Also, the weathervane had disappeared, although a short spire still rose from the roof tops. The Photo of 1866 confirms these changes. It also shows that this bastion had fallen into such a state of disrepair as to require planks to help keep it propped up.

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Last Updated: 04-Mar-2003