The Artist

Information on the life and work of Saint-Gaudens in this section is derived from publications by Katherine Greenthal, John Dryfhout, Burke Wilkinson, and the National Park Service. These books are cited in the Selected Bibliography.

Saint-Gaudens Biography
The biography of Augustus Saint-Gaudens includes the sculptor's formative years as a cameo maker's apprentice and his first collaborations in the 1870s. His first public commission was for the Farragut Memorial in New York. The Standing Lincoln memorial of 1885 and the Adams Memorial of 1886 are among his best-known works. His Shaw Memorial, an extraordinary relief monument, is considered by many to be among the best scultural works of the nineteenth century. Saint-Gaudens continued to work at Cornish, New Hampshire, during the last decade of his life.

Working Method
The design process of Augustus Saint-Gaudens often included clay sketches and enlarged plaster versions of a work.


Saint-Gaudens BiographyWorking Method
IntroductionThe ArtistHistorical BackgroundThe Memorial and Its ConservationThe ExhibitionTeaching Resources

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