What elements are harmful to living organisms and how do they get into our environment?
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USGS Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What elements are harmful to living organisms and how do they get into our environment?


Trace essential elements such as fluorine, copper, selenium, molybdenum, and others can be hazardous to living organisms if present at high levels. Nonessential heavy metals such as arsenic, lead, mercury, cadmium, chromium are usually toxic to organisms as much lower levels than trace essential elements. Depending on the association that these nonessential elements may form with natural geologic materials such as organic matter, other elements or minerals, and adsorbers (such as clays), these elements can range from being safe to being extremely toxic.

Because of growing public concern about the environmental contamination, it is becoming increasingly important to better understand both the natural and human processes that control the movement of elements at the Earth's surface. Elements can be quite mobile in water, and the majority of our environmental problems are ultimately associated with the contamination of surface and ground water.

When water comes into contact with rocks and soils, some of the minerals and organic substances dissolve and enter the natural waters. Forests and grasslands generally contribute only small amounts of these dissolved substances. However, it is possible for an area to contain unusually high concentrations of minerals, thereby depositing them to the waterways. For example, swamps and marshes often produce acidic and colored water. Other areas that contributed natural pollutants to water are those containing rocks with sulfide minerals, particularly pyrite.

Inorganic substance are cycled naturally through our environment at concentrations that usually do no adversely affect plants and animals. However, the combination of some natural processes with human activities can increase these substances to harmful or toxic levels. Therefore, toxic substances may have both natural and human sources.

Natural sources of toxic substance include rocks, volcanoes, sediments, and soils. Human activities that add toxic substances to the environment include smelting, manufacturing, refining, chemical processing, fertilizer application, irrigation, and waste disposal.

A large concentration of a substance commonly identifies a source of pollution but may not necessarily indicate a problem. In addition to the concentration, other characteristics of the substance must be considered. These characteristics include the amount of the substance released, the rate of release, its availability to organisms, and its residence time in a particular ecosystem. (From USGS Circular 1105.)

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