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Frequently Asked Questions

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USGS Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ's about Climate

How does USGS research and resources support the International Polar Year 2007 - 2008?
Does the USGS have streamflow records that are appropriate for use in the study of climate variation?
How long can we expect the present interglaciation to last?
What is Devils Hole?
How have streamflow records been identified as being appropriate for use in climate research?
Who studies Gas Hydrate?
How is Gas Hydrate studied?
Where is Gas Hydrate found?
Could a large Yellowstone eruption significantly change weather patterns?
Does the USGS monitor global warming?
What would happen if a "supervolcano" eruption occurred again at Yellowstone?
Why is it important to study Gas Hydrate?
Alaska was covered by glaciers during the Great Ice Age (Pleistocene).
What is Gas Hydrate?
Where can I find the temperature or precipitation for YourCity, USA?
What would happen if the temperature in the world rose enough to melt all the snow and ice at the North and South Poles?
Do Volcanoes Affect Weather?
What is “El Nino” and what are its effects?
What causes drought?

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