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Internship Opportunities

Interns with Ambassador LavinCS Singapore is delighted to host student volunteers from the United States. There are short-term projects to work at a specific trade show; there are long-term projects for planning all aspects of a trade event, managing it, following-up with clients as necessary, and finally reporting on it back to headquarters in Washington, D.C.


Summer Internship - February 24, 2009

Applications for Internships at other times of the year must be submitted three months prior to the date you wish to start.

Interested students should contact Mr. Todd Avery or Ms. AiLan Wong of the U.S. Embassy in Singapore. The telephone number is: 65/6476-9037; fax: 65/6476-9080; e-mail:  or: . Ideal candidates are studying international business or international relations, either as undergraduate students in their third or fourth year, or as graduate students.

Interns Oversee The Asia Now Appointments At A Trade Event.There is a security verification requirement, and individuals must pay their own airfare and make their own living arrangements, although occasionally the Embassy can assist with temporary housing. Please note that there is no compensation.

We welcome applications from students interested in global business.  You must be an American or Singapore citizen (or Permanent resident) in order to apply.  Contact us today!