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Status for: BRDF/Albedo (MCD43)

General Accuracy Statement
Validation at stage 1 has been achieved for the surface reflectance product (MCD43). The accuracy of the high quality MODIS operational albedos is well less than 5% albedo at the validation sites studied thus far and even those albedo values with low quality flags have been found to be within 10% of field data.

Further work on albedo validation is planned. A summary of these plans can be found in the May-June 2004 issue of the Earth Observer.

Product status updated:  Oct 2004 (Reviseded product version Sep 2008)
Product version:  Collection 5

Supporting Studies:

Title: Retrieval fo Surface Albedo from Satellite Sensors
Author: Schaaf, C. L., J. Martonchik, B. Pinty, Y. Govaerts, F. Gao, A. Lattanzio, J. Liu, A. H. Strahler, and M. Taberner,
Source: in Advances in Land Remote Sensing: System, Modeling, Inversion and Application (Chapter 9)
View Summary Results From This Document
Title: Radiative impact of boreal smoke in the Arctic: Observed and modeled
Author: R. S. Stone, G. P. Anderson, E. P. Shettle, E. Andrews, K. Loukachine
Source: Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 113, D14S16, doi:10.1029/2007JD009657, 2008
View Summary Results From This Document
Title: Validation of the MODIS Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function and Albedo Retrievals Using Combined Observations From the Aqua and Terra Platforms
Author: Jonathan G. Salomon, Crystal B. Schaaf, Alan H. Strahler, Feng Gao, Yufang Jin
Source: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 44, No. 6, June 2006 1555
View Summary Results From This Document
Title: Comparison of MODIS broadband albedo over an agricultural site with ground measurements and values derived from Earth observation data at a range of spatial scales
Author: M. Disney, P. Lewis, G. Thackrah, T. Quaife, M. Barnsley
Source: Int. J. Remote Sensing, 10 December, 2004, vol. 25, no. 23, pp. 5297-5317
View Summary Results From This Document
Title: Accuracy assessment of the MODIS 16-day albedo product for snow: comparisons with Greenland in situ measurements
Author: Julienne Stroeve , Jason E. Box, Feng Gao, Shunlin Liang, Anne Nolin, Crystal Schaaf
Source: Remote Sensing of Environment, 94, 46-60, 2005
View Summary Results From This Document
Title: Use of Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer bidirectional reflectance distribution function products to enhance simulated surface albedos
Author: Andreas Roesch, Crystal Schaaf, and Feng Gao
Source: J. Geophys. Res., 109, D12105, doi:10.1029/2004JD004552, 2004
View Summary Results From This Document
Title: Validation of the MODIS global land surface albedo product using ground measurements in a semidesert region on the Tibetan Plateau
Author: Kaicun Wang, Jingmiao Liu, Xiuji Zhou, Michael Sparrow, Min Ma, Zhian Sun, and Wenhua Jiang
Source: J. Geophys. Res., 109, D05107, doi:10.1029/2003JD004229, 2004
View Summary Results From This Document
Title: Validating MODIS Land Surface Reflectance and Albedo Products: Methods and Preliminary Results
Author: Liang, S., H. Fang, M. Chen, C. J. Shuey, C. Walthall, C. Daughtry, J. Morisette, C. Schaaf and A. Strahler
Source: Remote Sensing of Environment, 83, 149-162, 2002
View Summary Results From This Document
Title: Quality assessment of BRDF/albedo retrievals in MODIS operational system
Author: Yanmin Shuai, Crystal B. Schaaf, Alan H. Strahler, Jicheng Liu, and Ziti Jiao
Source: Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 35, L05407, doi:10.1029/2007GL032568, 2008
View Summary Results From This Document
Title: Consistency of MODIS surface BRDF/Albedo retrievals: 2. Validation
Author: Jin, Y., C. B. Schaaf, C. E. Woodcock, F. Gao, X. Li, A. H. Strahler, W. Lucht, S. Liang
Source: J. Geophys. Res., 108(D5), 4159, doi:10.1029/2002JD002804, 2003b
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Curator: Jaime Nickeson
NASA Official: Robert Wolfe
Last Updated: September 29, 2008
