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Financing Exports During the Credit Crunch

The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) and The U.S. Commercial Service presented a Webinar on Export Financing on February 3rd entitled:

Financing your Exports: Current Outlook on the Credit Crunch

The recorded version of this program can be accessed for $25 (see below for web link and details)

Is Your Ability to Export Getting Caught In The Credit Squeeze?
Has trade finance really been impacted and if so how? You may have seen reports in the news of this company or that one having problems finding export financing. In this era of economic swings, find out what has changed and what hasn’t and what you can do. While the credit crisis may be affecting the ability of companies to borrow money, banks are still lending to firms.

Money PictureThe landscape of export financing is changing. Get up-to-the-minute information from export finance lenders on this one hour webinar with no need to leave your office. Find out what bankers are saying about trade and financing and understand what you need to know for your export risk mitigation strategy.

Featured Speakers:

Patricia Mears, Director, International Commercial Affairs, National Association of Manufacturers

David Huether, International Economist, National Association of Manufacturers

James Morrison, Ph.D., President, Small Business Exporters Association

Patrick Tunison, Chief International Lending Officer, Small Business Administration

Martha I. Gabrielse, Vice President, Global Trade Services, JPMorgan Chase & Co.

To access the recorded version of this program, click here
