Welcome to California Sea Grant

...supporting science-based management, conservation and enhancement of California's coastal and aquatic resources through research, extension and education.

Learn how science works, why it matters and who scientists are:
Year of Science 2008

Practical explanations and cutting-edge scientific information about climate change in California. Watch and listen at:
California Climate Change

Artificial Sentinel Mussel

A new tool for tracking algal toxins is under development at UC Santa Cruz.

Shifting Baselines in the Tijuana Tide

Chronic pollution threatens the river, estuary and local beaches.

Sport Fishing Hammers Male Sheephead

Yet another study underscores the effects of sport fishing on the size structure (and, in this case, sex ratio) of a stock.

Not Pond Scum but “Green Gold”

Once the world’s largest producer of hybrid striped empties its ponds to grow algae for biofuels.

"Stop the Spread of Dwarf Eelgrass"

An ecologically destructive exotic eelgrass species is infesting a Northern California estuary. What can you do?