About Us

The American Heart Association’s Emergency Cardiovascular Care Programs deliver a dynamic message of hope — the hope of saving lives.  New treatments have improved the possibility of survival from cardiovascular emergencies, cardiac arrest, and stroke.  These new treatments offer the hope of improved quality of life for people who suffer these events.  Increasing public awareness of the importance of early intervention and ensuring greater public access to defibrillation will save many lives.  ECC programs educate healthcare providers, caregivers, and the general public about how to respond to these emergencies.  ECC programs train more than 9 million people every year. 

Q & A
Want to know how to become an American Heart Instructor?  Want more information on our courses? Use this link to get answers to all of your questions.  Instructor Network Knowledge Base


imageECC Mission and Value Statement
The ECC Programs Department of the AHA National Center is responsible for implementing program initiatives and providing guidance and support to the ECC Training Network. The ECC Mission and Value Statements support this responsibility. more
History of CPR
Who performed the first documented chest compression in humans? Who invented mouth-to-mouth resuscitation? When was CPR developed? more

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