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GE aims for a healthy profit12:51pm: GE's Heathymagination initiative marks a shift in emphasis for a business the company has been in for more than 100 years. More
10:28am: The search giant says competition is "a click away." So what if it hasn't materialized? More
May 6: Networking giant reports decline in first-quarter sales and earnings, but offers cautiously upbeat outlook. More
12:10pm: Amazon hopes to convert readers of magazines and newspapers to its newest e-book reader, the Kindle DX. More
The penny pincher's toolSoftware maker Ariba helps Fortune 500 companies suss out waste, cut costs. More
Natural language processing helps convert physicians' verbal instructions into electronic records. More
Looking to capitalize on the Facebook revolution? These must-reads show you how. More
BitGravity allows anyone to set up an Internet TV channel, in HD, for a few thousand dollars. More
Rain delays two games, but when baseball season finally airs, and At Bat on the iPhone will be among the best alternatives to the TV. More
Kiss your phone bill good-byeDisruptors: Silicon Valley startup Ooma wants to help you connect your home electronics for cheap - starting with your phone. More
Disruptors: By shedding the trappings of a traditional law firm, Axiom's Internet-connected attorneys offer legal services at a deep discount. More
Disruptors: Vitality's Web-connected, glowing bottle cap could save millions of dollars in healthcare costs. More
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