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The trouble with market timing5:58am: Stocks have rallied lately, but that doesn't necessarily mean the bear market is over. Here's the problem with moving in and out of the market.  More
May 6: In anxious times, one way to feel more secure about your nest egg is to plan ahead. More
May 5: There are plenty of financial planners out there. Here's how to avoid getting burned. More
Apr 30: Not sure how much you should be saving? Follow these tips to get on the right path.  More
Ballplayers swing and saveBaseball players stay ahead of the game by handling their finances like pros. Play
Born in the 1970s, these still-overlooked retirement savings accounts have become more useful than ever. More
Annuities were considered the ultimate safe investment - until insurers started wobbling. Can you still count on one? More
Are you doing the right things? Do you have the right investments? More
From 401(k)s to annuities, get all your retirement questions answered in our new comprehensive guide.  More
MONEY Magazine
Many baby boomers dream of retiring somewhere by the water. Here are 6 great options.  More
See how savings rates and investment returns affect when your nest egg hits 7 figures. More
Tell us how much you have, how long you will save and at what rate, and find out what your nest egg will grow to. More
Find out how long it will take to become debt free and how much you'll pay in interest by making the minimum monthly payments. More
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