BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Online Services

e-Market Express

e-Market Express was created at the request of U.S. companies for up-to-date monthly notifications of new market research, trade leads and events that we in the US Department of Commerce receive from our colleagues in US Embassies and Consulates around the world. Through the e-Market Express, US firms can electronically submit requests for market research that our overseas staff have created.

Company Promotion in Local Laguage

Various U.S. Commercial Service international offices are offering listings on the foreign-language version of our websites for qualified U.S. companies, which targets an audience of foreign importers and commercial buyers.

We will translate a description of the product or service for which you are seeking representation, distribution or sales prospects. This translated description, along with an appropriate image, will be added to our on-line directory of U.S. exporters. - The U.S. Government Export Portal is the United States government portal to exporting and trade services. The community is comprised of the various federal government agencies that offer services in the interational trade arena. This one-stop informational tool gives exporters a repository of information on all U.S. government export services.

The Network

The Network brings our vast team of more than 1,800 trade professionals in 105 U.S. cities and 151 U.S. Embassies, Consulates and Trade Centers around the world to your desktop. This team is ready to customize our services to best fit your company's needs. How can we help you? For more detail, contact your local office.