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Breast Cancer & the Environment Research Centers

Breast Cancer & the Environmental Research Centers: Cell


  1. Atkin C, Smith S, Ferguson V, McFeters C (2008). A comprehensive analysis of breast cancer news coverage in leading media outlets. J of Health Communication 13:3-17. DOI: 10.1080/10810730701806912 ( Exit NIEHS
  2. Egeblad M, Ewald AJ, Askautrud HA, Truitt ML, Welm BE, Bainbridge E, Peeters G, Krummel MJ, Werb Z (2008). Visualizing Stromal Cell Dynamics in Different Tumor Microenvironments by Spinning Disk Confocal Microscopy. Disease Models & Mechanisms 1:155-167. DOI: 10.1242/dmm.000596 ( Exit NIEHS
  3. Ewald AJ, Brenot A, Duong M, Chan B, Werb Z (2008). Collective Epithelial Migration and Cell Rearrangements Drive Mammary Branching Morphogenesis. Developmental Cell 14:570-58. DOI: 10.1016/j.devcel.2008.03.003 ( Exit NIEHS
  4. Kariagina A, Aupperlee M, Haslam S (2008). Progesterone receptor isoform functions in normal breast development and breast cancer. Crit Rev in Eucaryotic Gene Ex 18: 11-33.
  5. Kouros-Mehr H, Bechis S, Slorach E, Littlepage L, Egeblad M, Ewald A, Pai S, Ho I, Werb Z (2008). GATA-3 links tumor differentiation and dissemination in a luminal breast cancer model. Cancer Cell 13(2):141-152. DOI: 10.1016/j.ccr.2008.01.011 ( Exit NIEHS PMID:18242514
  6. Kouros-Mehr H, Kim J, Bechis S, Werb Z (2008). GATA-3 and the regulation of the mammary luminal cell fate. Curr Opin Cell Biol 20(2):164-170. DOI: 10.1016/ ( Exit NIEHS PMID:18358709
  7. Lu P, Ewald AJ, Martin GR, Werb Z (2008). Genetic Mosaic Analysis Reveals FGF Receptor 2 Function in Terminal End Buds During Mammary Gland Branching Morphogenesis. Developmental Biology 321:77–87. DOI: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2008.06.005 ( Exit NIEHS
  8. Moral R, Wang R, Russo I, Lamartiniere C, Pereira J, Russo J (2008). Effect of prenatal exposure to the endocrine disruptor bisphenol A on mammary gland morphology and gene exression signature. J of Endocrinology 196:101-112.
  9. Santos SJ, Haslam S, Conrad S (2008). Estrogen and progesterone are critical regulators of Stat5a expression in the mouse mammary gland. Endocrinology 149:329-338. DOI: 10.1210/en/2007-0594 ( Exit NIEHS
  10. Teitelbaum SL, Britton J, Calafat A, Ye X, Silva M, Reidy J, Galvez M, Brenner B, Wolff M (2008). Temporal variability in urinary concentrations of phthalate metabolites, phytoestrogens and phenols among minority children in the United States. Environmental Research 106:257-269.
  11. Welm BE, Dijkgraaf J, Bledau A, Welm A, Werb Z (2008). Lentiviral transduction of mammary stem cells for analysis of gene function during development and cancer. Cell Stem Cell 2:90-102. PMID:18371425
  12. Wetmur JG, Chen J (2008). An emulsion of PCR-based method for molecular haplotyping. In Environmental Genomics (Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 410) Martin, C., ed., Humana Press, Totowa, NJ.
  13. Whitten P, Smith S, Munday S, LaPlante S (2008). Communication assessment of the most frequented breast cancer websites: Evaluation of design and theoretical criteria. Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, 13, 880-911. DOI: 10.1111/j.1083-6101.2008.00423.x ( Exit NIEHS

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  1. Aupperlee MD, Haslam S (2007). Differential hormonal regulation and function of PR isoforms in normal adult mouse mammary gland. Endocrinology 148(5):2290-2300. DOI: 10.1210/en/2006-1721 ( Exit NIEHS ( Exit NIEHS)
  2. Brenner BL, Galvez M (2007). Community interventions to reduce exposure to chemicals with endocrine disrupting properties. In Endocrine-disrupting Chemicals: From Basic Research to Clinical Practice ed. Andrea C. Gore. Humana Press.
  3. Claudio L (2007). Centered on breast cancer. Env Hlth Perspective 115(3):A132-133.
  4. Fata JE, Mori H, Ewald A, Zhang H, Yao E, Werb Z, Bissell M (2007). The MAPKERK-1,2 pathway integrates distinct and antagonistic signals from TGFa and FGF7 in morphogenesis of mouse mammary epithelium. Dev. Biol. 309(1):193-207. PMID:17448457
  5. Fernandez-Gonzalez R, Illa-Bochaca I, Ortiz de Solorzano C, Barcellos-Hoff M (2007). In situ analysis of mammary progenitors. In Protocols for Stem Cells IM Conboy and M Conboy, editors. Humana Press, Totowa , NJ.
  6. Fernandez-Gonzalez R, Munoz-Barrutia A, Barcellos-Hoff M, Ortiz de Solorzano C (2007). Quantitative in vivo microscopy: the return from the 'omics'. Curr Opin Biotechnol Oct 17(5):501-510. PMID:16899361
  7. Gear R, Yan M, Schneider J, Succoop P, Heffelfinger S, Clegg D (2007). Charles River Sprague Dawley rats lack early age-dependent succeptibility to DMBA-induced mammary carcinogenesis. Int J Biol Sci 3(7):408-416. ( Exit NIEHS)
  8. Jenkins S, Rowell C, Wang J, Lamartiniere C (2007). Prenatal TCDD exposure predisposes for mammary cancer in rats. Reproductive Toxicology 23:391-396. DOI: 10.1016/j.reprotox.2006.10.004 ( Exit NIEHS
  9. Kariagina A, Aupperlee M, Haslam S (2007). Progesterone receptor isoforms and proliferation in the rat mammary gland during development. Endocrinology 148(6):2723-2736. DOI: 10.1210/en.2006-1493 ( Exit NIEHS
  10. Moral R, Wang R, Russo I, Mailo D, Balogh G, Lamartiniere C, Russo J (2007). The plasticizer butyl benzyl phthalate induces genomic changes inn rat mammary gland after neonatal/prepubertal exposure.. BMC Genomics 8:453.
  11. Oketch-Rabah HA, Barcellos-Hoff M (2007). Stroma, microenvironment and radiation carcinogenesis.. Reviews Cancer Biology & Therapeutics VNUN Kasid, A Haimovitz-Friedman & M Bar-Eli, editor. Transworld Research Network, Kerala, India.
  12. Page-McCaw A, Ewald A, Werb Z (2007). Matrix metalloproteinases and the regulation of tissue remodeling. Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 8:221-233. PMID:17318226
  13. Wolff MS, Teitelbaum S, Windham G, Pinney S, Britton J, Chelimo C, Godbold J, Biro F, Kushi L, Pfeiffer C, Calafat A (2007). Pilot study of urinary biomarkers of phytoestrogens, phthalates, and phenols in girls. Env Hlth Perspective 115(1):116-21. DOI: 10.1289/ehp.9488 ( Exit NIEHS

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  1. Atkin, C.K., Smith, S.W., Ferguson , V. & McFeters, C. A comprehensive Analysis of Breast Cancer, New Coverage in Leading Media Outlets. Journal of Health Communication (In Press).
  2. Aupperlee MD, Kariagina A, Osuch J, Haslam S (2006). Progestins and breast cancer. Breast Disease 24:38-58.
  3. Biro FM, Khoury P, Morrison J (2006). Influence of obesity on timing of puberty. Int J Androl 29:272-277. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2605.2005.00602.x ( Exit NIEHS
  4. Claudio L (2006). Making progress on breast cancer. Env Hlth Perspective 114(2):A98-99.
  5. Claudio L (2006). RTP leaders unite to advance environmental health. Env Hlth Perspective 114(9):A524-525.
  6. Clegg DJ, Heffelfinger S (2006). Obesity: its influence on breast cancer susceptibility. Women's Health 2:1-9.
  7. Fleisch MC, Maxwell C, Barcellos-Hoff M (2006). The pleiotropic roles of transforming growth factor beta in homeostasis and carcinogenesis of endocrine organs. Endocr Rel Cancer 13:379-400. (PDF Summary) ( Exit NIEHS
  8. Glass RI , Bridbord K, Rosenthal J, Claudio L (2006). Global perspective on environmental health. Env Hlth Perspective 114(8):A454-455.
  9. Haslam SZ (2006). Experimental mouse model of hormonal therapy effects on the postmenopausal breast. Breast Disease 24:71-78.
  10. Kouros-Mehr H, Slorach E, Sternlicht M, Werb Z (2006). GATA-3 maintains the differentiation of the luminal cell fate in the mammary gland. Cell 127:1041-1055. DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2006.09.048 ( Exit NIEHS PMID:17129787
  11. Kouros-Mehr H, Werb Z (2006). Candidate regulators of mammary branching morphogenesis identified by genome-wide transcript analysis. Dev Dyn 235:3404-3412. PMID:17039550
  12. Lu P, Sternlicht M, Werb Z (2006). Comparative mechanisms of branching morphogenesis in diverse systems. J Mamm. Gland Biol. Neoplasia 11:213-228. PMID:17120154
  13. Lum DH, Tan J, Rosen S, Werb Z (2006). Gene trap disruption of the mouse heparan sulfate 6-O-endosulfatase, Sulf2. Mol. Cell. Biol. 27:678-688. PMID:17116694
  14. Rollison DE , Helzlsouer K, Pinney S (2006). Personal hair dye use and cancer: A systematic literature review and evaluation of exposure assessment in studies published since 1992. J. of Tox. And Environ. Health 9(5):413-439.
  15. Silk KJ, Bigsby E, Volkman J, Kingsley C, Atkin C, Ferrara M, Goins L (2006). Formative research on adolescent and adult perceptions of risk factors for breast cancer. Social Science and Medicine 63(12):3124-3136.
  16. Sternlicht, M.D. (2006). Branching morphogenesis: the cues that regulate mammary ductal development. Breast Cancer Res. 8:201. DOI: 10.1186bcr1368 ( Exit NIEHS PMID: 16524451
  17. Sternlicht MD (2006). Key stages in mammary gland development: The cues that regulate ductal branching morphogenesis. Breast Cancer Res. 8:201. DOI: 10.1186/bcr1368 ( Exit NIEHS PMID:16524451
  18. Sternlicht MD, Kouros-Mehr H, Lu P, Werb Z (2006). Hormonal and local control of mammary branching morphogenesis. Differentiation 74:365-381. PMID:16916375
  19. Wallenstein S, Chan W, Wetmur J (2006). Comparison of statistical models for analyzing genotype, inferred haplotype and molecular haplotype data. Molec. Genet. Metab. 89(3):270-273.
  20. Wetmur, J.G., & Chen, J. An emulsion of PCR-based method for molecular haplotyping. Methods in Molecular Biology. Environmental Genomics, Martin C, ed, Humana Press, Totowa , NJ , 2006 (in press).
  21. Wolff MS (2006). Endocrine disruptors: Challenges for environmental research in the 21st century. Annals NY Acad. Sci. 1076:228-38.

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  1. Atabai K, Fernandez-Gonzalez R, Huang X, Ueki A, Kline A, Li Y, Sadatmansoori S, Smith-Steinhart C, Zhu W, Pytela R, Werb Z, Sheppard D (2005). Mfge8 is critical for mammary gland remodeling during involution. Mol. Biol. Cell. 16:5528-5537. PMID:16195353
  2. Aupperlee MD, Smith K, Kariagina A, Haslam S (2005). Progesterone receptor isoforms A and B: Temporal and spatial differences in expression during murine mammary gland development. Endocrinology 146:3577-88. DOI: 10.1210/en.2005-0346 ( Exit NIEHS
  3. Barcellos-Hoff MH (2005). Integrative radiation carcinogenesis: Interactions between cell and tissue responses to DNA damage. Sem. Cancer Biol 15:138-147. (PDF Summary) ( Exit NIEHS (abstract) ( Exit NIEHS
  4. Barcellos-Hoff MH, Medina D (2005). New highlights on stroma-epithelial interactions in breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res 7:33-36. PMID:15642180
  5. Barcellos-Hoff MH, Park C, Wright E (2005). Radiation and the microenvironment: Tumorigenesis and therapy. Nat Cancer Rev 5:867-875. PMID:16327765 (PDF Summary) ( Exit NIEHS
  6. Fernandez-Gonzalez R, Barcellos-Hoff M, Ortiz de Solorzano C (2005). A tool for the quantitative spatial analysis of complex cellular systems. IEEE Trans Image Process 14:1300-1313. PMID:16190466
  7. Frank M. Biro, Phillip Khoury, and John A. Morrison, Influence of Obesity on Timing of Puberty: Intl J of Andrology, 2005
  8. Galvez MP, Forman J, Landrigan P (2005). Children's environmental health. In Environmental Health: From Local to Global Eds. Frumkin H.
  9. Grimm SL, Contreras A, Barcellos-Hoff M, Rosen J (2005). Cell cycle defects contribute to a block in hormone-induced mammary gland proliferation in C/EBP beta-null mice. J Biol. Chem 280(43):36301-36309. PMID:16120603
  10. Heissig B, Rafii S, Ohki Y, Sato Y, Rafael T, Zhu Z, Hicklin D, Ogawa H, Werb Z, Hattori K (2005). Low-dose irradiation promotes tissue revascularization through Kit-ligand mediated release of VEGF from mast cells and MMP-9-mediated progenitor cell mobilization. J Exp. Med. 202:739-750. PMID:16157686 (PDF Summary) ( Exit NIEHS
  11. Hiatt RA (2005). The Breast Cancer and the Environment Research Centers. Essays on the future of environmental health research. Env Hlth Perspective 16-23. DOI: 10.1289/ehp.7987 ( Exit NIEHS
  12. Rodier F, Kim S, Nijjar T, Yaswen P, Campisi J (2005). Cancer and aging: The importance of telomeres in genome maintenance. Int. J Biochem Cell Biol 37: 977-990. PMID:15743672
  13. Rowell C, Carpenter D, Lamartiniere C (2005). Chemoprevention of breast cancer, proteomic discovery of genistein action in the rat mammary gland. J Nutrition Sci 135:2953S-2959S.
  14. Rowell C, Carpenter D, Lamartiniere C (2005). Modeling biological variability in 2-D gel proteomic carcinogenesis experiments. Journal of Proteome Research 4:1619-1627.
  15. Sternlicht MD, Sunnarborg S, Kouros-Mehr H, Yu Y, Lee D, Werb Z (2005). Mammary ductal morphogenesis requires paracrine activation of stromal EGFR via ADAM17-dependent shedding of epithelial amphiregulin. Development 132:3923-3933. PMID:16079154
  16. Wetmur JG, Kumar M, Zhang L, Palomeque C, Wallenstein S, Chen J (2005). Molecular haplotyping by linking emulsion PCR: Analysis of PON1 haplotypes and phenotypes. Nucleic Acids Res 33:2615-2619.
  17. Whitten P, Doolittle G, Mackert M (2005). Providers' acceptance of telehospice. J of Palliative Medicine 8(4):730-735.
  18. Wolff MS, Britton J, Russo J (2005). TCDD and Puberty in Girls. Env Hlth Perspective 113:A17. (letter) ( Exit NIEHS

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  1. Cases S, Zhou P, Schillingford J, Wiseman B, Fish J, Hennighausen L, Werb Z, Farese Jr R (2004). Development of the mammary gland requires DGAT1 expression in stromal and epithelial tissues. Development 131(13):3047-3055. PMID:15163627
  2. Claudio L (2004). Translation: Breast Cancer Takes Center Stage. Env Hlth Perspective 112:A92-94. (article) ( Exit NIEHS
  3. Heissig B, Rafii S, Rafael T, Ohsaka A, Ogawa H, Okumura K, Nakauchi H, Werb Z & Hattori K. Low-dose irradiation promotes angiogenesis through MMP-9 mediated mobilization of endothelial progenitors and Kit-ligand mediated release of VEGF from mast cells. 2004; J Exp. Med. 202:739-750. PMID: 16157686
  4. Whitten P (2004). Evidence regarding patient and provider perceptions and health indicators for telehome health. Public Policy and Aging Report 14(1): 19-21.

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  1. Mark D. Aupperlee, Anastasia Kariagina, Janet Osuch and Sandra Z. Haslam. Progestins and Breast Cancer. 2006 Breast Disease 24: 38-58.
  2. Barcellos-Hoff, M.H., and Medina , D. (2005). New highlights on stroma-epithelial interactions in breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res 7, 33-36. PMID: 15642180
  3. Barcellos-Hoff, M.H., Park, C.C., and Wright, E.G. (2005). Radiation and the microenvironment: Tumorigenesis and therapy. Nat Cancer Rev 5, 867-875. PMID: 16327765
  4. Sandra Z. Haslam. Experimental Mouse Model of Hormonal Therapy Effects on the Postmenopausal Breast. 2006 Breast Disease 24:71-78
  5. Lu, P., M.D. Sternlicht & Z. Werb (2006). Comparative mechanisms of branching morphogenesis in diverse systems. J. Mamm. Gland Biol. Neoplasia. In press.
  6. Wolff, M.S., Endocrine disruptors: Challenges for Environmental Research in the 21st Century, Ann NY Acad Sci, in press.

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