The Center for Legislative Archives

Research Interview Notes of Richard F. Fenno, Jr. with Members of the U.S. House of Representatives, 1959-1965

Gift of Papers or Other Historical Materials of Richard F. Fenno, Jr. to the Center for Legislative Archives

1. In accordance with the provisions of chapter 21 of title 44, United States Code, and subject to the terms, conditions, and restrictions hereinafter set forth, I, Richard F. Fenno, Jr. (hereinafter referred to as the Donor), hereby give, donate, and convey to the United States of America, for eventual deposit in the Center for Legislative Archives, my papers and other historical materials (hereinafter referred to as the Materials) which are described in Appendix A, attached hereto.

2. Title to the Materials shall pass to the United States of America upon their delivery to the Archivist of the United States or his delegate (hereinafter referred to as the Archivist).

3. Following delivery, the Materials shall be maintained by the United States of America in the Center for Legislative Archives, administered by the National Archives and Records Administration in accordance with the pertinent provisions of chapter 21 of title 44, United States Code, and provided that at any time after delivery and subject to the provisions of paragraph 5, the Donor shall be permitted freely to examine any of the Materials during the regular working hours of the depository where they are preserved.

4. It is the Donor's wish that the Materials be made available for research as soon as possible, and to the fullest extent possible, following their deposit in the Center for Legislative Archives. At the same time, he recognizes that the Materials may include information about others the disclosure of which would constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy and information the protection of which is essential to the Nation's security. Accordingly, the Archivist shall have the materials reviewed and for the present shall restrict from public access the following classes of material:

    a. Papers and other historical materials the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy or a libel of a living person.

    b. Papers and other historical materials that are specifically authorized under criteria established by statute or Executive order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense or foreign policy, and are in fact properly classified pursuant to such statute or Executive order.

    c. Research interviews with individuals who are still living.
5. Following the completion of the review provided for above, material restricted from public access shall not be made available for inspection, reading, or use by anyone, except regular employees of the National Archives and Records Administration in the performance of normal archival work on such materials, and the Donor or persons authorized by him in writing to have access to such materials; provided that information which is security-classified pursuant to statute or executive order shall be made available only in accordance with procedures established to govern the availability of such information.

6. Materials which have been restricted from public access as herein provided shall be reviewed by the Archivist from time to time and papers which, because of the passage of time or other circumstances, no longer require such restrictions shall be opened to public access.

7. Subject to the restrictions imposed herein, the Archivist may dispose of any of the Materials which he determines to have no permanent value or historical interest, or when he determines that it is in the interest of the Center for Legislative Archives or the National Archives and Records Administration to do so, provided that prior to any such disposal reasonable efforts are made to notify the Donor and offer return of the materials.

8. The Donor hereby gives and assigns to the United States of America all copyrights which he has in (a) such of the Materials as are unpublished and (b) in such of his unpublished writings as may be among any collections of papers received by the United States of America from others and deposited in any depository administered by any agency of the United States of America.

9. The Archivist may enter into agreements for the temporary deposit of the Materials under his custody and control in a depository administered by the National Archives and Records Administration or other qualified depository.

10. In the event that the Donor may from time to time hereafter give, donate, and convey to the United States of America, for deposit in the Center for Legislative Archives, additional papers and other historical materials, title to such additional papers and other historical materials shall pass to the United States of America upon their delivery to the Archivist, and all of the foregoing provisions of this instrument of gift shall be applicable to such additional papers and other historical materials. A description of the additional papers and other historical materials so donated and delivered shall be prepared and attached hereto.

Signed: Richard F. Fenno, Jr.
Date: December 14, 1993

Pursuant to the authority of chapter 21 of title 44, United States Code, the foregoing gift of the papers and other historical materials of the Donor is accepted on behalf of the United States of America, subject to the terms, conditions, and restrictions heretofore set forth.

Signed: Trudy Huskamp Peterson
[Acting] Archivist of the United States
Date: ____________________________

Appendix A

(Attached to and forming part of instrument of gift of papers and other historical materials, executed Donor, on December 14, 1993, and accepted by the Archivist of the United States on _________________________).

The Materials that I, Richard F. Fenno, Jr., am giving, donating, and conveying to the United States of America, for deposit in the Center for Legislative Archives, on December 14, 1993, are typed summaries of seventy-six (76) research interviews I conducted with members of the House of Representatives on the appropriations process. The interviews begin on May 25, 1959, and end in May 1968.

The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
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