Annotated List of 36 Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDC): Fiscal Year 2002

Categories of Activities of FFRDCs

Research and Development Laboratories top

Ames Laboratory
Argonne National Laboratory
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Center for Advanced Aviation System Development
Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory
Institute for Defense Analyses Communications and Computing Federally Funded Research and Development Center
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Lincoln Laboratory
Los Alamos National Laboratory
National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center
National Cancer Institute at Frederick
National Center for Atmospheric Research

National Optical Astronomy Observatories
National Radio Astronomy Observatory
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Sandia National Laboratory
Savannah River Technology Center
Software Engineering Institute
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

Study and Analysis Centers top

Arroyo Center
Center for Naval Analyses
Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses
Institute for Defense Analyses Studies and Analysis Federally Funded Research and Development Center
National Defense Research Institute
Project Air Force
The Science and Technology Policy Institute

Systems Engineering and Integration Centers top

Aerospace Federally Funded Research and Development Center
C3I Federally Funded Research and Development Center
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Federally Funded Research and Development Center

NOTE: The following Department of Defense definitions were used to classify the centers:

Research and development laboratories fill voids where in-house and private sector research and development centers are unable to meet agency core area needs. Specific objectives for these FFRDCs are to: (1) maintain over the long-term a competency in technology areas where the Government cannot rely on in-house or private sector capabilities, and (2) develop and transfer important new technology to the private sector so the Government can benefit from a wider, broader base of expertise. R&D laboratories engage in research programs that emphasize the evolution and demonstration of advanced concepts and technology, and the transfer or transition of technology.

Study and analysis centers deliver independent and objective analyses and advise in core areas important to their sponsors in support of policy development, decision making, alternative approaches, and new ideas on issues of significance.

System engineering and integration centers provide required support in core areas not available from sponsor's in-house technical and engineering capabilities to ensure that complex systems meet operational requirements. The centers assist with the creation and choice of system concepts and architectures, the specification of technical system and subsystem requirements and interfaces, the development and acquisition of system hardware and software, the testing and verification of performance, the integration of new capabilities, and continuous improvement of system operations and logistics. They often play a critical role in assisting their sponsors in technically formulating, initiating, and evaluating programs and activities undertaken by firms in the for-profit sector.

Source of definitions: FFRDC Management Plan, effective May 1, 1996, Department of Defense, Director of Defense Research and Engineering, pp. 2-3.

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