BHI Quick Hearing Check

Shelley Beattie -

Shelley Beattie
Ms. Beattie was a standout heptathlete and cross country runner in high school later earning a degree in psychology and special education. As a group home counselor she helped children who suffered mental, emotional and physical handicaps. She has earned many titles including Overall Woman's Champion at USA Championships and placed third in Ms. Olympia competition. Best known as "Siren" on the TV show American Gladiators, she made history as a member of the first all-women's America's Cup yacht racing team. Shelley indicated that her hearing loss was caused by an... More

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National Women's Health Week - May 10–16, 2009

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Hearing Loss Solutions

  • A large number of people with Tinnitus (ringing in the ears) can be helped with masking devices worn like hearing aids.
  • Even people born deaf can learn to hear with cochlear implants.

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