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Faults and Earthquake Probability Maps

  • thumbnail image SF Bay Area2008 Bay Area Earthquake Probabilities

    U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and other scientists estimate the probability of at least one magnitude 6.7 or greater quake striking the San Francisco Bay region.

  • thumbnail image of the Hayward faultDigital Map of the Hayward Fault

    Map showing active fault traces within the Hayward Fault Zone, including a virtual tour of the Hayward fault in the east San Francisco Bay Region that can be viewed in the Google Earth TM.

  • thumbnail image SF Bay

    Portfolio of images of landscape, seascape and faults of the San Francisco Bay area.

Shaking Hazard Maps

Liquefaction Hazard Maps

  • thumbnail image of qmapSan Francisco Bay Area

    These maps offer better tools to assess risk from earthquake damage in the densely populated section of the San Francisco Bay area.

  • thumbnail image SF Bay AreaNorthwestern Alameda County

    Digital database identifying areas in the Oakland, California region that could produce surface liquefaction during a M 7.1 earthquake on the Hayward Fault.

  • thumbnail image of liquefaction mapNorthern Santa Clara Valley

    Liquefaction hazard maps for three earthquake scenarios for the communities of San Jose, Campbell, Cupertino, Los Altos, Los Gatos, Milpitas, Mountain View, Palo Alto, Santa Clara, Saratoga, and Sunnyvale, Northern Santa Clara County, California

Geology Maps