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Acadia National ParkFour peregrine chicks sit at their nest site.
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Acadia National Park
Your Dollars At Work
A male volunteer pushes a wheelbarrow along a gravel path.
Your fees support rehabilitation of the park's historic trail system.

National park lands are not free. Protecting our natural and cultural heritage and providing a safe, enjoyable, and educational place to visit requires substantial funding. Although your taxes help offset the costs of operating parks like Acadia National Park, they do not cover all of the costs. As expenses to maintain and staff the parks rise each year, government funding is unable to keep up.

In an attempt to address this shortfall, Congress passed the Federal Lands Recreational Enhancement Act, which helps spread some of the operating costs among the people who use the parks.

How does it work?
All visitors—no matter where or how they enter—must pay a fee to enter Acadia National Park. Eighty percent of entrance fees, as well as camping and other fees, stay right here to be used for park projects. The remaining 20 percent is shared among parks that cannot collect fees because their founding legislation prohibits it.

How are my fees used?
Your fees are used for a variety of projects that improve the conditions of natural and cultural resources and make the park a safer place to visit.

  • User fees allow the park to rehabilitate roads, trails, historic structures, and other facilities.
  • When the transportation system is in operation, $10 from every park pass supports the fare-free Island Explorer bus system.

The photo gallery below includes examples of fee projects. As you explore the park, look for the UserFee logo marking other projects supported by fees.

Thank you for your support!

A man boards the Island Explorer bus.  

Did You Know?
Since 1999, propane-powered Island Explorer buses have carried more than two million passengers in Acadia National Park, eliminating more than 685,000 automobile trips and preventing 6,444 tons of greenhouse gases. The fare-free buses are supported by your entrance fees.

Last Updated: December 28, 2007 at 09:02 EST