14th ICID
The 14th International Congress on Infectious Diseases will take place in Miami, Florida on March 9–12, 2010.
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Influenza H1N1 Outbreak News
Latest Postings on ProMED-mail:
PRO/AH> Influenza A (H1N1) - worldwide (19)
PRO/AH/EDR> Influenza A (H1N1) - worldwide (18): case counts
PRO/AH/EDR> Influenza A (H1N1) - worldwide (17)
PRO/AH/EDR> Influenza A (H1N1) - worldwide (16): case counts
PRO/AH> Influenza A (H1N1): animal health (08), food safety, FAO/OIE/WHO

Links to resources about H1N1 Influenza:
World Health Organization H1N1 information page
Centers for Disease Control H1N1 information page

Letter from the ISID President
Dear Members, Colleagues, Sponsors and Friends:

In this ever shrinking world where people, products and pathogens move rapidly around the globe, our collective expertise and experience will enable us to find answers to the infectious disease challenges confronting us all. It is in this shared spirit of scientific excellence and collegial collaboration that preparations have begun for the 14th International Congress on Infectious Diseases to be held in Miami, Florida from March 9-12, 2010. Building on the unqualified successes of our most recent biannual meetings in Lisbon and Kuala Lumpur, the International Society for Infectious Diseases is delighted to return to North America for the 14th ICID....

Raul E. Isturiz,MD, FACP
President, International Society for Infectious Diseases

Today on ProMED-mail
The 2009 Spring Internet-a-thon is underway! Please take a few minutes to contribute to this valuable service.
The Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases is an electronic outbreak reporting system that monitors infectious diseases globally. ProMED-Mail serves as a central site for news, updates, and discussions of outbreaks of emerging and re-emerging diseases that affect human health. ProMED-mail provides up-to-date information on disease outbreaks around the world, seven days a week.

Read today's news on ProMED-mail

ProMED-mail needs your financial support to continue to provide you with reliable, independent reporting of emerging infectious diseases and outbreaks as they happen.

You may make a Donation to ProMED-mail ProMED-mail at any time.
PMM Internet-a-thon

The ProMED-mail 2009 Spring Internet-a-thon is underway! Please take a moment to contribute to this valuable service.
ISID Programs
Professional Development for young scientists from developing countries:

Scientific Exchange Fellowship
Applications are due March 1, 2009.

SSI/ISID Fellowship
Applications are due April 1, 2009.

Small Grants
Applications are due
April 1, 2009.

Latest Newsletter
More Society updates in the latest ISID News (pdf).

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