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Case Studies

Local Comprehensive Clean Indoor Air Ordinance in Georgia


Estimated labor costs  $  N/A
Estimated cost of materials, promotional efforts, printing, etc.  $  N/A
Estimated total cost of conducting policy and/or program intervention  $  N/A

Budget Notes

The coalition had virtually no budget, with the exception of two modest grants totaling $15,000. All labor was provided on a volunteer and in-kind basis. Both the ACS and the local public health district provided key staff and infrastructure to support the coalition’s activities.

A $10,000 grant from ACS was used to produce and air the PR/educational video, and cover expenses related to bringing Dr. Robinson and Rev. Brown to attend the Black History Month event.

A $5,000 grant from the state Tobacco Control Coalition, CHARGE, was used to cover media expenses. No information is available on the cost of the poll conducted by ACS.

Funding Sources

RWJF SmokeLess States Grant
Voluntary Agency/ American Cancer Society

Funding Notes

The ACS provided the coalition with a $10,000 grant. This grant covered the costs of bringing in Dr. Robinson and Rev. Brown for the Black History Month event, and for production of a 4 ½ minute video about the ordinance.

The State Tobacco Control Coalition, CHARGE, provided the coalition with a $5,000 grant to help with media expenses.


Page last modified 07/25/2007