April 18, 2002 (Originally issued on December 27, 2000) MEMORANDUM FOR: Doug Bellomo, P.E., Project Officer Eastern Studies Team Bill Blanton, Project Officer Central Studies Team Mike Grimm, Project Officer Western Studies Team [Original Signed] FROM: Matthew B. Miller, P.E., Chief Hazards Study Branch SUBJECT: Procedure Memorandum 19 - MSC Product Naming Conventions Background: The mapping products prepared by FEMA are tracked and inventoried in a computer system at the Map Service Center. The computer system is titled “Financial, Accounting, Management and Inventory System (FAMIS).” Issue: Currently, there is inconsistency in the naming conventions used for FEMA mapping products. It is important that a commonly defined set of terms and naming conventions be established to facilitate the inventory and tracking of FEMA products. The original issuance of this Procedure Memorandum on December 27, 2000, established new rules for product naming conventions. This issuance outlines a new protocol for using suffixes for product identification and revisions tracking of maps, map indices, and FIS reports. New Procedure: The product naming conventions detailed in the attached April 2002 memorandum titled MSC Product Naming Conventions, shall continue to be used by the Flood Map Production Coordination Contractors (FMPCCs) for all newly created products defined therein. Although the FMPCCs are not required to enact these naming conventions retroactively, these changes shall be reflected on all products sent to the FEMA Map Service Center on or after May 1, 2002, and are expected to used as detailed in the attached memorandum. The significant changes outlined in this version of the memo are: Suffixes beginning with the letter A will be used for revision tracking of: .. FHBM and FIRM indexes (including county wide indexes) .. FIS volumes (including community based and countywide volumes) cc: see distribution list Distribution List (electronic distribution only) Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration, Office of the Administrator • Howard Leiken • Bob Shea • Paul Loyd • Joe Coughlin Hazard Mapping Division • Mike Buckley • Matt Miller • Fred Sharrocks • Paul Loyd • Doug Bellomo • Bill Blanton • Mike Grimm • Mark Crowell • Allyson Lichtenfels • Sally Magee • John Magnotti • Mary Anne Lyle • Phil Myers • Max Yuan • Helen Cohn • Cynthia Croxdale • Agnes Pearson • Anne Flowers • Cecelia Lynch • Kathy Miller • Jay Scruggs • Shirley Wright • Scott McAfee • Priscilla Scruggs • Tony Hake FEMA Regional Offices • Region I .. Kevin Merli .. Mike Goetz .. David Knowles .. Dean Savramis • Region II .. Mike Dabney .. Paul Weberg .. Sam Rizzo • Region III .. Tom Majusiak .. Marty Frengs .. Jon Janowicz .. Nikki Roberts • Region IV .. Todd Davison .. Laura Algeo .. John Plisch .. Bruce Buckerfield .. Mark Vieira .. Mohammed P. Waliullah • Region V .. Ken Hinterlong .. Eric Berman .. Stuart Rifkind • Region VI .. Frank Pagano .. Jack Quarles .. Gary Zimmerer .. Jim Orwat • Region VII .. Bob Bissell .. Robert Franke .. Albert Schulz • Region VIII .. Steve Olsen .. Michael Hillenburg .. John Liou • Region IX .. Sally Ziolkowski .. Jack Eldridge .. Raymond T. Lenaburg .. Leslie Sakumoto • Region X .. Carl Cook .. Lawrence P. Basich Mitigation Planning and Delivery Division • Margaret Lawless Outreach and Partnership Branch • John Gambel • Melissa Mull Program Marketing and Partnership Division • Edward Pasterick • Mike Robinson • Bill Lesser Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs Division • Fran McCarthy • Vince Fabrizio • Loretta Schaffer • Mary Joe Vrem Office of General Council • Rick Neal Flood Map Production Coordination Contractors • Zekrollah Momeni, D&D • R. Fernando Pasquel, MBJ • Vince DiCamillo, PBS&J Map Service Center • Brenda Walguarnery Harvard Design and Mapping • Mark Mesterhazy Map Service Center (MSC) Product Naming Conventions Updated, April 2002 To ensure consistency within product types, FEMA’s Map Service Center (MSC) established product-naming conventions. The following outline includes a detailed description of the new Product IDs as designated by the Map Service Center (MSC) as well as former Product IDs. These IDs should be considered the standard and should be used when preparing and releasing any new products on or after the date of this memorandum. PUBLIC FLOOD MAPS FHBM – Flood Hazard Boundary Map Subtypes: Flat Maps: Description: These flat FHBMs are 11. x 17. and are map size code F. If there is more than one page to a community, they are stapled together and considered a multi-page flat map. The index map is the first page of a multi-page flat map. The index map references all other pages by panel number. ID: 2-digit state FIPS + 4-digit FEMA CID + Suffix (if established) .. Example Former ID: 280263 A .. Example New Product ID: 280263A The flat maps may or may not contain suffixes. Ideally, if a flat map is revised without a suffix, a suffix would be added to the CID so that historical information can be stored about map revisions. No spaces are permitted between the CID and the suffix. Z-folds: Description: The Z-fold FHBMs can be a variety of map size codes from A to E and G. Not all Z-folds have an index, but most do. Those that do not have an index may have a map locator on the panel or may be the only panel printed for a community. ID: 2-digit state FIPS + 4-digit FEMA CID + 4-digit panel number + Suffix .. Example Former ID: 010017 0003 A .. Example New Product ID: 0100170003A Indexes: Description: The Z-fold FHBM Indexes come in map size codes A to E, G and L. The Indexes are similar to Z-fold FHBMs, but can also be size code IL which is a folded 8½. x 11.. ID: 2-digit state FIPS + 4-digit FEMA CID + INDx (IND0.., IND1..,) + Suffix .. Example Former ID: 010017 0001-0011 .. Example New Product ID: 010017IND0A Single page indexes are identified as IND0; in the case of multiple page indexes, the counting begins at 1, where x is the number of the index for a particular community. For new or revised indexes, a suffix will be added after the IND0, beginning with suffix A. Conversion Letters: Description: This letter essentially converts a FHBM to FIRM status. Rather than recreate a set of FIRMs for communities currently covered by FHBMs, a conversion letter simply applies FIRM legal status to these maps. ID: 2-digit state FIPS + 4-digit FEMA CID + 9999 + Suffix (if established) .. Example Former ID: 010050 .. Example New Product ID: 0100509999 The Map Service Center added the suffix 9999 so that the letter would not be mistaken as a flat map. 9999 was used as a safe identifier since it is likely to never be used as a panel number. The product in this case is the letter itself; the maps will still carry the Former ID that includes the community, panel number, and the appropriate suffix. FIRM – Flood Insurance Rate Map Subtypes: Flat Maps: Description: These flat FIRMs are 11. x 17. and are map size code F. If there is more than one page to a community, they are stapled together and considered a multi-page flat map. The index map is the first page of a multi-page flat map. The index map references all other pages by panel number. ID: 2-digit state FIPS + 4-digit FEMA CID + Suffix (if available) .. Example Former ID: 010107 B .. Example New Product ID: 010107B The flat maps may or may not contain suffixes. Ideally, if a flat map is revised, a suffix would be added to the CID so that historical information can be stored about map revisions. No spaces are permitted between the CID and the suffix. Z-folds: Description: The Z-fold FIRMs come in map size codes A to E and G. ID: 2-digit state FIPS + 4-digit FEMA CID + 4-digit panel number + Suffix .. Example Former ID: 225203 0115 E .. Example New Product ID: 2252030115E See Attachments A and B. Indexes: Description: The Z-fold FIRM Indexes come in map size codes A to E, G, and L, similar to Z-folds FIRMs. Not all Z-folds have an index, but most do. Those that do not have an index may have a map locator on the panel or may be the only panel printed for a community. Z-fold indexes can also be size code I L which is a folded 8½. x 11.. ID: 2-digit state FIPS + 4-digit FEMA CID + INDx (IND0, IND1…) + Suffix .. Example Former ID: 040019 0001-4525 .. Example New Product ID: 040019IND0A Single page indexes are identified as IND0 with the suffix. In the case of multiple index pages, the counting begins at 1, where x is the number of the index sheet for a particular community. The FIRM panel Product ID will also appear in the panel layout grid of z- fold indexes; however, the Product ID will not appear in the grid of the 8½. x 11. index. For new and revised indexes, a suffix will be added after the INDx, beginning with suffix A. See Attachments C and D. Street Indexes: Description: These are legacy products. Separate street indexes are no longer produced in the digital FIRM process, but there is a small collection of street indexes that are still current. These indexes accompany some of the FIRM Z-fold maps, as the street indexes were not printed on the maps themselves. ID: 2-digit state FIPS + 4-digit FEMA CID + STDx (STD0, STD1…) .. Example Former ID: 120077 8888 .. Example New Product ID: 120077STD0 In the past, 8881 and 8882 were used for multiple street index sheets. To standardize the indexes, the STD suffix replaced the numeric string and a number designating the index sheet number was added. Countywide Z-fold FIRMs: Description: This format follows a regular grid based on the USGS quarter quads and covers the geographical area within the quad regardless of political boundaries. However, there may be communities that have kept their own community maps or are non-participating communities, or portions thereof, that fall within the countywide mapped area. ID: 2-digit state FIPS + 3-digit county FIPS Code + C + 4-digit panel number + Suffix. .. Example Former ID: 01097C 0757 J .. Example New Product ID: 01097C0757J The traditional community-based naming convention was modified with this product class. Since a map may represent more than one community, a single community ID could not be used. In its place, the county FIPS code is used along with the letter “C” to indicate the map is a countywide. See Attachments E and F. Countywide Indexes: Description: These are the indexes to the countywide FIRMs. The indexes come in sizes similar to Z-folds and delineate the panel ID and coverage area. ID: 2-digit state FIPS + 3-digit county FIPS Code + C + INDx (IND0, IND1…) + Suffix .. Example Former ID: 41039C 0000 .. Example New Product ID: 41039CIND0A Countywide indexes follow the same conventions as indexes for the conventional community-based index maps. The traditional community-based naming convention was also modified with this product class. Since the index represents more than one community, a single community ID could not be used. In its place, the county FIPS code was used along with the letter “C” to indicate the index is a countywide. The Product ID will also appear in the panel layout grid of the index. For new or revised indexes, a suffix will be added after the INDx, beginning with suffix A. See Attachments G, H, and I. FIS – FLOOD INSURANCE STUDIES Description: A FIS is a narrative report that gives supporting information about a community’s flood hazards and identifies flooding sources. An FIS consists of text, graphics, flood profiles, and sometimes floodway maps. An FIS is in booklet form and varies in length. Some FISs may consist of multiple volumes. The page sizes also vary. Most pages are the standard 8 ½. x 11.. Flood profiles and some vicinity maps are 11. x 17. in size and fold out from the booklet. Flood Boundary and Floodway Maps (FBFMs) are sometimes included as an exhibit to the FIS. A FIS is always sold as a kit. Unlike public map kit components, FIS components are never sold individually. Subtypes: Community-based study volume: Description: These are flood studies performed on a community-wide basis. ID: 2-digit state FIPS + 4-digit FEMA CID + V + 00x (V000, V001…) + Suffix .. Example Former ID: 060057 .. Example New Product ID: 060057V000A To distinguish these products from maps, a “V” for volume was inserted followed by a three-digit volume number starting with 0. A single volume would be V000; multiple volumes would be V001, V002, etc. For new or revised studies, a suffix should be added after the V00x beginning with suffix A. See Attachment J. Countywide-based study volume: Description: These are flood studies prepared on a county-wide basis. ID: 2-digit state FIPS + 3-digit FIPs + C + V + 00x (V000, V001 …) + Suffix .. Example Former ID: The front of the study will list all of the floodprone communities and their 6-digit community numbers. The naming convention is a hybrid of the county-wide naming convention plus the “V” and three-digit volume number. .. Example New Product ID: 54005CV000A For new or revised studies, a suffix should be added after the V00x beginning with suffix A. See Attachments K and L. Supplement: (Supplement Wave Height Analysis printed on the cover) Description: These are supplements to the original FIS reports. ID: 2-digit state FIPS + 4-digit FEMA CID + S + 00x (S000) .. Example Former ID: 345302 .. Example New Product ID: 345302S000 To distinguish these products from the FIS V000, an “S” for supplement replaces the “V,” and is then followed by a three-digit supplement number starting with 0. FBFM – Flood Boundary Floodway Map (Floodway Map) Description: These are the companion maps that go with the study. They contain delineation of the regulatory floodway and cross sections used in the studies. They are not sold or distributed separately from the study. Subtypes: Flat Maps: ID: 2-digit state FIPS + 4-digit FEMA CID + FLAT .. Example Former ID: 530198 .. Example New Product ID: 530198FLAT As in many other products, the suffix “FLAT” was added to distinguish this type of map from others types such as FHBMs or FIRMs. Z-folds: ID: 2-digit state FIPS + 4-digit FEMA CID + 4-digit panel number .. Example Former ID: 445395 0001 .. Example New Product ID: 4453950001FA Suffixes were not stored as part of the Product IDs in the past. No spaces are permitted between the CID and the suffix. The legacy products will not be changed. For revised floodway panels, a suffix shall be added after the letter F, beginning with suffix A. See Attachment M. Indexes: ID: 2-digit state FIPS + 4-digit FEMA CID + FNDx (FND0.., FND1..,) .. Example Former ID: 445395 0001-0004 .. Example New Product ID: 44395FND0A To distinguish floodway indexes from other types of indexes, the FNDx suffix was added to the state and community ID where x is the number of the index for a particular community. Single page indexes, are identified as FND0; in the case of multiple page indexes the counting begins at 1 where x is the number of the index for a particular community. These indexes will only be produced for Partial Map Initiatives revisions. For revised floodway indexes, a suffix will be added after the FND0, beginning with suffix A. See Attachment N. Naming Conventions of Other MSC Products Q3 Digital Flood Data ID: Q3DISK + CD# .. Example Former ID: Q3 Flood Data - Disc 1 .. Example New Product ID: Q3DISK1 CBRAQ3 – Coastal Barrier Resources System Digital Flood Data ID: Q3CBRADISK + CD# .. Example Former ID: CBRA Q3 Flood Data Disc 1 .. Example New Product ID: Q3CBRADISK1 LOMC Subscription ID: LOMC- + SUB (for subscription) or V### (for back issue CD volumes) or PAPER (for back issue paper copy) Yearly Subscription LOMC-SUB Back Issue – CD-ROM LOMC-V03I7 Back Issue Paper LOMC-PAPER FMSIS – Flood Map Status Information System ID: State FIPS + -FMSIS- + SI (for Single Issue) or SUB (For subscription) Single Issues/Single State: 01-FMSIS-SI Single Issue/All States: US-FMSIS-SI Yearly Issue/ Single State: 01-FMSIS-SUB Yearly Issue/All States: US-FMSIS-SUB CSB – Community Status Book ID: State FIPS + -CSB- + SI (for Single Issue) or SUB (For subscription) Single Issues/Single State: 01-CSB-SI Single Issue/All States: US-CSB-SI Yearly Issue/ Single State: 01-CSB-SUB Yearly Issue/All States: US-CSB-SUB NFIP Manual – National Flood Insurance Program Manual ID: NFIP- + component number (Full Manual) NFIP- + PE- + component number (Producer’s Edition) NFIP-KIT NFIP-PE-KIT NFIP-220 NFIP-251 NFIP-253 NFIP-254 NFIP-PE-255 NFIP-PE-257 NFIP-PE-259 Community Map Action List ID: CMAL Attachment A Attachment B Attachment C Attachment D Attachment E Attachment F Attachment G Attachment H Attachment I TOWN OF FLOODPORT, MASSACHUSETTS FLOOD COUNTY REVISED: SEPTEMBER 4, 2002 Text Box: Town of Floodport BALDWIN COUNTY, ALABAMA AND INCORPORATED AREAS COMMUNITY COMMUNITY COMMUNITY COMMUNITY NAME NUMBER NAME NUMBER BALDWIN COUNTY (UNINCORPORATED AREAS) 015000 ROBERTSDALE, CITY OF 010222 BAY MINETTE, CITY OF 010004 SILVERHILL, TOWN OF 010010 DAPHNE, CITY OF 010005 SPANISH FORT, CITY OF 010429 FAIRHOPE, CITY OF 010006 SUMMERDALE, TOWN OF 010328 FOLEY, CITY OF 010007 GULF SHORES, CITY OF 015005 LOXLEY, TOWN OF 010009 ORANGE BEACH, CITY OF 015011 JUNE 17, 2002 Text Box: VOLUME 1 OF 2Text Box: Baldwin County BALDWIN COUNTY, ALABAMA AND INCORPORATED AREAS COMMUNITY COMMUNITY COMMUNITY COMMUNITY NAME NUMBER NAME NUMBER BALDWIN COUNTY (UNINCORPORATED AREAS) 015000 ROBERTSDALE, CITY OF 010222 BAY MINETTE, CITY OF 010004 SILVERHILL, TOWN OF 010010 DAPHNE, CITY OF 010005 SPANISH FORT, CITY OF 010429 FAIRHOPE, CITY OF 010006 SUMMERDALE, TOWN OF 010328 FOLEY, CITY OF 010007 GULF SHORES, CITY OF 015005 LOXLEY, TOWN OF 010009 ORANGE BEACH, CITY OF 015011 JUNE 17, 2002 Text Box: VOLUME 2 OF 2Text Box: Baldwin County Attachment M Text Box: 3610130037FA Attachment N Attachment N Text Box: 040049FND0A