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Job# Title Org Scope Date Posted
216509 R&D Manager 4 MPA-DO External 11/19/2008
Clearance Level: Q
The Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT) is seeking outstanding candidates for the position of Co-Director. CINT is a Department of Energy/Office of Science Nanoscale Science Research Center operated jointly by Los Alamos and Sandia National Laboratories as a national user facility devoted ...
213470 POSTDOC MPA-11 External 9/24/2008
Clearance Level: None
Postdoctoral position in Sensor Development: The Sensors and Micromanipulation team in the Sensors and Electrochemical Devices Group (MPA-11) of the Materials Physics and Applications Division is seeking a postdoctoral candidate to develop sensors of various kinds, with an emphasis on acoustic sens...
216282 POSTDOC MPA-CINT External 9/4/2008
Clearance Level: None
Postdoctoral positions in nanomaterials (synthesis and photophysical characterization): We are seeking outstanding postdoctoral candidates to develop and characterize fluorescent metal nanoclusters. These positions will support a large, multi-investigator interdisciplinary project to (1) develop me...
216215 POSTDOC MPA-MC External 8/12/2008
Clearance Level: None
Two postdoctoral positions are available in the Materials Chemistry group (MPA-MC) to support our effort in the assembly of a chemical system that has the rudimentary functionality of a protocellular entity. The postdoctoral researcher will work within a multidisciplinary team at Los Alamos and col...
215006 POSTDOC MPA-STC External 2/12/2008
Clearance Level: None
Postdoctoral Position in Electronic Materials and Device Research. The Materials Physics and Applications Division is seeking outstanding postdoctoral candidates to support our effort in development of new electronic and photovoltaic devices utilizing semiconductor films on non-traditional templates...
215229 POSTDOC MPA-MC External 2/7/2008
Clearance Level: None
Postdoctoral position in Materials Chemistry: MPA-MC is a materials chemistry research group in the Materials Physics and Applications Division at Los Alamos that integrates organic, inorganic, and organometallic synthesis, structural analysis, spectroscopy, and surface science capabilities to focu...
215203 POSTDOC MPA-STC External 1/29/2008
Clearance Level: None
Postdoctoral Positions in Analytical Electron Microscopy and Electronic Ceramics: A postdoctoral position is available immediately for a qualified individual in the area of characterization of structure / property / chemistry relationships in high temperature superconductors (HTS) by analytical ele...
213172 POSTDOC MPA-CIN External 5/17/2007
Clearance Level: None
The Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT) invites candidates to apply for postdoctoral research positions. CINT is a Department of Energy (Office of Science/BES) Nanoscale Science Research Center jointly operated by Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and Sandia National Laboratories (SNL)...
8 Jobs

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