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projects > Everglades ET measurement and modeling> 2001 Proposal

Everglades ET Measurement and Modeling

Project Proposal for 2001

Project title: Everglades ET measurement and modeling
Geographic area: South Florida - natural Everglades system
Project start date: October 1994
Project end date: September 2001

Project chief: Edward R. German
Region/Division/Team/Section: WRD
Fax: 407-865-6733
Mail address: 224 West Central Pk., Suite 1006, Altamonte Springs, FL. 32714

Program(s) South Florida Ecosystem Program

Program element(s)/task(s): Hydrologic modeling and support element, Task 4.1

Project summary: Solution of water problems within the Everglades requires an understanding of the flow systems. Evapotranspiration (ET) is a major component of the Everglades water budget (generally over 40 inches/year) that has not previously been measured. This project will provide the knowledge of ET necessary for use of hydrologic models.

(Time line FY 2001 to project end):

FY2001 activities:
Four ET stations and two energy-monitoring stations will be operated in or near Shark Valley Slough. This includes two currently-existing stations: Site P33 in Shark Valley Slough and Site Ing at the western edge of Taylor Slough on Old Inghram Highway. Data from these stations will be used to refine regional models of ET and to support modeling efforts by other project groups.

FY2001 deliverables/products:
All data will be processed and made available through ADAPS and the Web. Study results will be presented at a selected scientific conference.

FY2001 outreach:
Project personnel will continue to communicate with major stakeholders and any other entities with an interest in study data and results, and to offer presentations to any interested groups.

New directions or major changes:
The focus of the study area in now the Shark Valley Slough area, in support of other projects that need ET data for model calibration. Under this revision, all project sites will be in or near the Slough.

FY2000 scientific accomplishments:
The project final report was approved.

Data and models from this project have been used by the SICs group to develop runoff models for the Taylor Slough area. The data and models will also be used to develop similar models of Shark Valley Slough, and will also be applicable to other modeling efforts by South Florida Water Management District and other entities.

Products for FY2000:
1. Final report (WRI series): Approved September 26, 2000 (WRIR 00-4217).

2. Abstracts were prepared for the GEER conference and the USGS proceedings, December 2000, Naples, FL.

3. All meteorological and ET data for the period January 1996 – September 1999 are in ADAPS.

FY2000 stakeholder meetings and other outreach activities:
1. A presentation to the research staff at Everglades National Park was made April 4, 2000.

2. A workshop on ET and project findings was presented at SFWMD on September 26, 2000. The workshop was attended by personnel from SFWMD, Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge, Dept. of Agriculture, and other agencies.

German, E.R., 1996, Regional Evaluation of Evapotranspiration in the Everglades: Fact Sheet 168-96

German, E.R, 1999, Evapotranspiration measurement and modeling in the Everglades: in U.S. Geological Survey Program on the South Florida Ecosystem Proceedings of South Florida Restoration Science Forum, May 17-19, 1999, Boca Raton, Florida, 2 p.

German, E.R., 1999, Evapotranspiration measurement and modeling in the Everglades: in proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, July 1999, 25 p.

German, E.R., 2000, Regional evaluation of evapotranspiration in the Everglades: WRIR 00-4217, in press

Names and expertise: Dave Stannard, USGS NRP, Denver, Colorado, has provided project operation and data analysis during each year of the study. We will continue to call upon him for advice on ET modeling and review of study conclusions.

Other required expertise for which no individual has been identified: None.

Major equipment/facility needs: None.

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Center for Coastal Geology
This page is: /proposals/2001/evapotransp01.html
Comments and suggestions? Contact: Heather Henkel - Webmaster
Last updated: 11 October, 2002 @ 09:31 PM (TJE)