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projects > across trophic level system simulation (atlss) > 2001 Proposal

Development of Selected Model Components of an Across-Trophic-Level Systems Simulation (ATLSS) for the Wetland Ecosystems of South Florida

Project Proposal for 2001

Continuation Research Plan [Year 4 of 5 Years]

PROJECT TITLE: Development of Selected Model Components of an Across-Trophic-Level Systems Simulation (ATLSS) for the Wetland Ecosystems of South Florida

Principal Investigator: Dr. Louis J. Gross
Mail address:
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
The University of Tennessee
Knoxville, Tennessee 37996


Need for the study:

Components of what is now the ATLSS Project have been under development since 1991. The overall objectives include:

(a) Produce a general methodology for combining biological and physical models that use differing approaches and deal with trophic system components operating at differing spatial and temporal resolutions and extents in order to provide methods to estimate landscape-scale responses of biotic systems to natural and anthropogenic environmental changes;

(b) Produce models capable of using detailed observational data on behavior and physiology and dynamically linking these with spatially-explicit abiotic information to scale up from individuals to population and community levels.

(c) Produce models capable of generating testable hypotheses about trophic component responses to alternative possible anthropogenic influences.

ATLSS models have been constructed and applied extensively over the past several years to assess the potential impacts of alternative hydrologic scenarios over the next several decades. In particular, models have been developed for high resolution hydrology, freshwater fish, deer, Florida panther, wading birds, snail kite, alligator, and Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow. These models have been developed in an object-oriented design.

ATLSS has developed a methodology, using landscape classes, to allow for communication between the variety of model outputs, inputs and spatially-explicit abiotic information in a dynamic manner.

At this juncture, the ATLSS effort at UT will focus efforts on getting the present suite of models in a form readily usable by various agencies.


We propose to have all present ATLSS models available for use by various appropriate agencies on their own computer equipment by June 30, 2002. This assumes that agencies will have available Linux-based workstations with suitable computational power, RAM and storage to be able to execute the ATLSS models. This will involve several major efforts:

1. Recode all ATLSS models to be able to be compiled using the Gnu C++ compiler for Linux. This will involve testing and revising many components of ATLSS, expanding upon the effort to revise the ATLSS SESI models which is to be completed by June 30, 2001.

2. Develop a user interface (in Java so it is object-oriented and potentially extensible to other platforms in the future) which allows users to select models, scenarios, parameter sets, and automatically initiate model runs and produce output.

3. Connect all output from these model simulations to the ATLSS Dataviewer being developed at the National Wetlands Research Center, USGS.


Reports and Deliverables:
Type of Product* No. of Copies Due Date
1. Brief letter report with the following: [1] date of receipt of executed contract (i.e. start date), [2] this "table" with specific due dates, [3] status of progress made towards providing data/metadata/model-source-code, [4] draft text w/ graphics/slides for 2-pager Fact Sheet. Original + 2 + electronic copy 60 days after award of contract.
2. 1st Trimester Report – a brief report updating progress/problems to date and all data and metadata file, & model source code to date. Plus, final of 2-pager Fact Sheet. Original + 2 + electronic copy 120 days after award of contract.
3. 2nd Trimester Report - with updated data/metadata file[s] & model source code. Plus, "Request for Continued Funding" for the next year funding. Original + 2 + electronic copy 240 days after award of contract.
Annual Report with all data to date with metadata file[s], fully documented model source code. Original + 2 + electronic copy 1 Year after award of contract.
* Note: Manuscripts, peer reviewed publications, book chapters, graduate student thesis/dissertation, etc. are both acceptable and desirable as chapters or sections of annual/final reports. At least one 2-page fact sheet is required for each of these major types of publications.

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Center for Coastal Geology
This page is: /proposals/2001/devselmodelp01.html
Comments and suggestions? Contact: Heather Henkel - Webmaster
Last updated: 11 October, 2002 @ 09:31 PM (KP)