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projects > CERP/RECOVER Restoration Technology Transfer: USGS-CERP Liaison with USACE > project summary

Project Summary Sheet

U.S. Geological Survey, Greater Everglades Priority Ecosystems Science (GE PES) Initiative

Fiscal Year 2007 Project Summary Report

Study Title: CERP/RECOVER Restoration Technology Transfer: USGS-CERP Liaison with USACE (Telis, Best)
Study Start Date: October 1, 2006 Study End Date: Continuing
Web Sites: data available at SOFIA
Location (Subregions, Counties, Park or Refuge): Greater Everglades
Funding Source: USGS Greater Everglades Priority Ecosystems Science (GE PES)
Other Complementary Funding Source(s): USGS Florida Integrated Science Center (FISC)
Funding History: FY06, FY07, FY08
Principal Investigator(s): Pamela Telis and G. Ronnie Best
Study Personnel: na
Supporting Organizations: USGS
Associated / Linked Studies: CERP/RECOVER Restoration Technology Transfer: USGS-CERP Liaison with SFWMD (Torres, Best)

Overview & Objective: CERP/RECOVER Restoration Technology Transfer and USGS-CERP Liaison with USACE includes the following activities:

  • Task 1 - Support of CERP/RECOVER; A. USGS participation in CERP PDT and RECOVER meetings; and B. Support for management of the Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN) project; C. Work with federal, state, and other restoration partners to ensure technology transfer and science synthesis.
  • Task 2 - Assist with GE PES coordination.
  • Task 3 - USGS Liaison with USACE

Status: Ongoing

Recent & Planned Products

Task 1

A. Pamela is an active participant of RECOVER Assessment Team, MAP Implementation subteam, and Quality Assurance Oversight Team (QAOT). She also monitors the activities of approximately 6 other key CERP projects for relevance to USGS science. Nineteen USGS projects were funded by USACE in FY07 providing for MAP or other CERP activities. Pamela assisted in timely preparation of over 35 modifications that funded these efforts, coordinated report delivery by 15 PIs and resolved multiple issues related to SOW changes, invoicing, and other project aspects.

B. Pamela managed the EDEN project that delivered the EDENweb to the public via SOFIA in Feb. 2007. Workshops in January 2007 at 3 locations (SFWMD, ENP, USFWS) informed users of EDEN's capabilities and sought input for improved and relevant products. The surface water model was tested, completed, and documented. The surfaces will be posted to the EDENweb in October 2007. The EDEN team completed multiple publications and journal articles for which Pamela served as reviewer for 4 of them. Pamela managed all aspects of budgeting, work plan development and product delivery (including progress reports, regular status reports, and documentation reports) which was hampered this year by the lose of 2 team members (Roy Sonenshein and Leonard Pearlstine) who took jobs with ENP. Replacement team members were sought and brought up to speed with little impact to the work plan deadlines.

C. Pamela worked closely with SFWMD, ENP, and BCNP to ensure technology transfer as related to EDEN, drought management, data management and other areas. For example, the SFWMD drought monitoring team requested a meeting with the EDEN staff to determine how we can provide information to this group as they monitor drought conditions on a real-time basis and better understand the data in “dry” conditions. The EDEN project took extra effort to obtain ground elevation data at all the EDEN gages (over 200) for the purpose of drought monitoring. We are considering options for monitoring below ground water levels with several shallow ground water wells in FY08.

Task 2

Pamela reviewed several documents at the request of the GE PES Coordinator and provided biweekly summaries for the DOI Status reports. Pamela kept the GE PES Coordinator informed of issues of concern related to CERP and USACE, such as funding, project status, and reporting.

Task 3

Pamela assisted with 19 Economy Act packages for USGS projects. With dwindling USACE staff for MAP coordination, Pamela provided even more support to the USACE for review, oversight, and documentation preparation for MAP-funded and other CERP-funded activities. Pamela has worked closely with USACE legal and contracting staff to address concerns about authorization for funding under circumstances where cooperative agreements are used by the USGS. Pamela was encouraged by the USGS OSW staff to reinstitute the annual USGS-USACE meeting associated with the National Cooperative Streamgaging Program. Plans are being developed by her for a June annual meeting in 2008.

Relevance to Greater Everglades Restoration Information Needs/Key Finding:

The USGS continues to provide relevant, objective science and research used for adaptive management and decision making for the restoration of the greater Everglades ecosystem. As budgets shrink and federal and state funding is diverted to other and more current priorities, the USGS needs to consider new technologies, analyses, and efficiencies in conducting our science. These changes, like most changes, are not easy and require direct involvement with other agencies and partners working together to find solutions.

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
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Last updated: 26 August, 2008 @ 03:59 PM(TJE)