U.S. Census Bureau

Cognitive Test of the 2006 NRFU: Round 1

Jennifer Hunter



This report documents the results of Round 1 cognitive interviews conducted by the Statistical Research Division (SRD). These interviews were conducted by staff from SRD from June to August, 2005, using a paper script to evaluate respondent’s problems with the 2006 NRFU instrument. The research showed that respondents tended not to read the residence rules flashcard they were handed while answering the person count question. Several respondents made the critical error of not including themselves on the household roster. In the overcount question, some respondents included house guests who had not previously been listed and others reported nonrelatives and people staying temporarily, who had already been listed on the roster. The renter/owner question was too complex, and respondents asked for it to be repeated. There is the potential for respondent to misreport in the relationship question because their definition of “related” in the initial question (“Is this person related to Person 1?”) was different from the Census Bureau’s definition. Recommendations for revision or further testing to address these problems are also contained in the report.


Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Statistical Research Division

Created: December 21, 2005
Last revised: December 21, 2005