
Mojave Desert Science Symposium
February 25-27, 1999


Kathy Longshore, a USGS/BRD employee at the UNLV Field Station, stands in front of some of the many fine posters displayed during the meeting.

Click on a poster title to see an abstract

Population status of the relic leopard frog (rana onca)
D.F. Bradford, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; R.D. Jennings, Marjorie Barrick Museum of Natural History

Factors affecting alien annual plant abundance at a site in the western Mojave Desert: effects of human disturbance, microhabitat, topography, and rainfall
Matthew L. Brooks, U.S. Geological Survey, Box Springs Field Station

Landscape change of the Las Vegas Valley, 1972 TO 1998
Curtis M. Edmonds, Daniel T. Heggem, and Phillip Cuartas, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Riparian restoration in the Mojave Desert: an overview of selected public land sites
Thomas B. Egan, Bureau of Land Management

Interagency cooperation and a large-scale habitat manipulation: the effects of alien plants and granivores on ecological recovery following wildfire
Todd Esque and Sara Eckert, U.S. Geological Survey; Louisa Evers, Timothy Duck, Brian Bracken, Tim Bartlett, Bureau of Land Management

Estimation of Tamarix evapotranspiration using remotely sensed data
Lynn K. Fenstermaker, Desert Research Institute; Dale A. Devitt, University of Nevada, Reno; Stanley D. Smith, and Ron Hammett, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Bees, beetles, and plants: the importance of ecological interactions to conservation and restoration efforts
John Hafernik and Leslie Saul-Gershenz, San Francisco State University

Hibernation temperatures, timing, and site characteristics for desert tortoises in the northeast Mojave Desert
Dustin F. Haines and Todd C. Esque, USGS-BRD St. George Field Station; C. Richard Tracy, University of Nevada, Reno

Characteristics of the Mojave and Great Basin Deserts on the Nevada Test Site
D. J. Hansen, W. K. Ostler, and D.B. Hall, Bechtel Nevada

Cultural resources of the Granite Mountains, California
David Lee, Don Christensen, and Jerry Dickey, University of California, Sweeney Granite Mountains Desert Research Center

The influence of El Niño/Southern Oscillation conditions on activity area and movements of adult female desert tortoises
Kathie Meyer and Jeff Lovich, USGS/BRD Canyon Crest Field Station, University of California, Riverside

Analysis and assessment of military and nonmilitary impacts on biodiversity: a framework for environmental management on DOD within the California Mojave Desert
David Mouat, Desert Research Institute; Mary Cablk, National Research Council; Ross Kiester, U.S. Forest Service; Jill Heaton and Mark Meyers, Oregon State University; , Richard Toth and Rob Lilieholm, Utah State University; Robert Fisher, San Diego State University

Annual plant vegetation boundaries on disturbance gradients in Chihuahuan Desert rangelands
Maliha Nash, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Distribution and abundance of two kangaroo rat species along an elevational gradient in the Mojave National Preserve
Mary V. Price and Shauna A. McDonald, Department of Biology, University of California

Recreational disturbance of a desert stream fish community
Mark Sappington, USGS-BRD Cooperative Studies Unit, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Litter accumulation beneath Mojave Desert shrubs exposed to predicted 21st century atmospheric CO2 levels (FACE): comparison of evergreen Larrea tridentata with various deciduous shrubs
Zitzer Stephen, James Coleman, Dean Jordan, Robert Nowak, Jeff Seemann, and Stan Smith, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, University of Nevada Reno, Desert Research Institute

Southwestern riparian sustainability along a Lower Colorado River impoundment
Nita Tallent-Halsell, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Lawrence R. Walker, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

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