Photo by Chris Jordan

NCBW News |“Sunday Parkways” Topic for Next Professional Development Webinar

Sunday Parkways are street closings modeled on Latin American
'ciclovias' that have garnered a lot of attention in the United States
in recent years. The webinar will feature presenters from Chicago,
Miami, and New York City.

Attendees will learn how they tailored ciclovia events to their cities and implemented the projects.Need convincing that this program could work in your community? Join presenters Adolfo Hernandez in Chicago; Kathryn Moore in Miami; and Dani Simons in New York City to learn how they tailored ciclovia events to their cities and implemented the projects. This one-hour webinar

On May 20th, the Professional Development Webinar series – co-hosted by the National Center for Bicycling & Walking (NCBW), the Association for Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals (APBP) and Cullbridge Communications – will teach webinar participants how to start or expand a similar program in your own community.

Click here to learn more about this webinar and registration procedures.