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Landsat Pathfinder Program


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North American Landscape Characterization (NALC) Project/Campaign Document


The North American Landscape Characterization (NALC) project is a component of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Landsat Pathfinder Program. Pathfinder projects focus on the investigation of global change while utilizing remote sensing technologies. The NALC project is a cooperative effort between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and NASA to make Landsat data available to the widest possible user community for scientific research and general public interest.

Table of Contents:

  1. Project/Campaign Overview
  2. Data Availability
  3. Data Access
  4. Principal Investigator Information
  5. Submitting Investigator Information
  6. References
  7. Glossary of Terms
  8. List of Acronyms
  9. Document Information

1. Project/Campaign Overview:

Name of Project/Campaign:

North American Landscape Characterization, NALC

Project/Campaign Introduction:

The NALC data set is comprised of hundreds of triplicates (i.e., multispectral scanner (MSS) data acquired in the years 1973, 1986, and 1991 plus or minus one year, thus, the name triplicate). The NALC triplicates also include digital elevation model (DEM) data. The specific temporal windows vary for geographical regions based on the seasonal characteristics of the vegetation cover.

The NALC project is principally funded by the EPA Office of Research and Development's Global Warming Research Program (GWRP) and the USGS' Earth Resources Observation Systems (EROS) Data Center. The EROS Data Center has primary responsibility for producing the NALC Landsat MSS triplicate data sets, as well as the responsibility for archiving, managing, and distributing data and information derived from the NALC triplicates. The EPA Environmental Systems Monitoring Laboratory in Las Vegas is responsible for developing the standard analysis methods to be applied to the NALC data and for establishing collaborative research agreements to facilitate the derivation of higher level data products that can be used by researchers investigating specific scientific problems. In accordance with the Landsat Pathfinder Program concept, the Pathfinder basic data sets are comprised of data which have had systematic radiometric and systematic geometric corrections applied to them. NALC triplicates, however, are also precision corrected for geocoding purposes. In addition to the basic data sets and the NALC triplicates, selected derivative or higher level data products (e.g., land cover classifications, land cover change images) are sent to the Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC), which archives and distributes the information.

For a more general overview of Landsat data, see the following document:

Project/Campaign Mission Objectives:

The objectives of the NALC project are to develop standardized remotely sensed data sets (e.g., NALC triplicates) and analysis methods in support of investigations of changes in land cover, to develop inventories of terrestrial carbon stocks, to assess carbon cycling dynamics, and to map terrestrial sources of greenhouse gas (CO, CO2, CH4, and N2) emissions.


Landsat data are used for a host of studies, inventories, and analyses. Some areas of application include crop acreage inventories, timber class identifications, soil association identification and mapping, range cover and forage production analysis, plant stress detection, regional land use classifications, photo-map generation, mineral and petroleum exploration, pollution monitoring, geological mapping and interpretation, areal snow extent assessments, shallow bathymetric measurements, sea ice movement monitoring, vegetation classification and mapping, surface mining operations monitoring, flood/forest fire monitoring, and beach erosion detection.

The NALC triplicate data sets constitute a unique data base with which to investigate multidisciplinary issues related to land use/land cover issues (i.e., land cover changes), human interactions with the environment, carbon cycling dynamics, and numerous land processes studies. The consistent levels of processing of the NALC triplicates using standardized methods provide potential users with data sets that can be easily ingested using available digital image processing software. The fact that the data are coregistered saves potential users significant analyst and computer time by removing the need for intensive preprocessing prior to analyses. The extensive regional coverage of NALC Landsat MSS triplicates is a valuable baseline of information with which to perform regional environmental monitoring activities. The NALC data can serve as a valuable complement to other research initiatives which utilize Landsat thematic mapper imagery or data acquired by the future Earth Observing System.

Geographic Region(s):

The NALC project area includes the conterminous United States and Mexico.

Figure displaying the NALC Triplicate Completion Status for the United States and Mexico.
NALC Triplicate Completion Status (24 kb)

Detailed Project/Campaign Description:

Processing: Generating triplicates involves a multi-stream approach. The 1980's image is precision corrected and registered to a map base using a three-step approach and is used as the cartographic base to which the 1970's and 1990's data are registered. A relational data base has been developed and maintained, which contains the corner coordinates and quadrangle names for United States 1:24,000-scale topographic maps. This data base was augmented with similar information for the 1:250,000- and 1:50,000-scale topographic maps for Mexico acquired from the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica, Geografia e Informatica (INEGI) in Aguascalientes, Mexico. The latitude and longitude coordinates of the 1980's scene to be used for a given triplicate are intersected with the map data base to identify the topographic maps which fall within that particular Landsat Worldwide Reference System-2 (i.e., Landsats 4 and 5) path/row.

The 1980's image is precision corrected and registered to a map base. In rare situations, multiple 1980's images are used to produce a cloud-reduced composite. The registration entails the selection of image and planimetric source control points for use in developing the model for precision correction. Control point sources used include 1:100,000-scale USGS digital line graph (DLG) data and 1:24,000-scale USGS topographic maps for triplicates within the United States, and 1:50,000-scale maps for triplicates outside of the conterminous United States. The DLGs are components of the National Digital Cartographic Data Base (NDCDB) and are comprised of the various thematic layers (e.g., transportation, hydrography, hypsography, political boundaries) depicted on the 1:100,000-scale topographic map series (USGS, 1989). For triplicates within the United States, the DLG data are the primary source for control point selection. The DLGs are interactively overlain onto the imagery to facilitate visual correlation of area features between the imagery and the DLG data. Once a feature match has been identified, the image (line, sample) and DLG (latitude, longitude) coordinates for a specific point along the feature are extracted and compiled in a control point file. Approximately 30 to 35 points are extracted.

The next step in triplicate generation involves mosaicking the DEM data and transforming the DEM data's original geographic projection to a Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection. The DEM data used in the NALC project are derived from Defense Mapping Agency (DMA) Level-1 Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) (USGS, 1987), which were digitized from the standard National Topographic Map Series 1:250,000-scale maps. These maps provide complete United States coverage. The DEM data, often referred to as the 3-arc-second DTED data, are available as gridded files corresponding to 1-degree-latitude by 1-degree-longitude blocks. These blocks are mosaicked by path/row, then projected and resampled to 60- by 60-meter pixels in a UTM projection.

Elevation values for the ground control points are retrieved from the DEM data. The ground control points containing X, Y, and elevation values are corrected for relief displacement. The relief-corrected control points are then used to compute the coefficients for a second order polynomial model that is used to geometrically correct and reproject the 1980's MSS image to a UTM ground control coordinate system. Using cubic convolution, the image is rectified and resampled to a UTM-projected output image comprised of 60- by 60-meter pixels. As of July 28, 1994, a full terrain correction is also applied to the 1980's image by correcting for the effects of relief displacement on a pixel-by-pixel basis using the previously created DEM image.

A verification of registration quality is performed using control points selected from either 1:24,000-scale USGS maps or 1:100,000-scale DLG source material. Selection of 12 to 15 verification control points proceeds in a manner similar to the selection of registration points. Scenes must meet quality objectives of total Root Mean Square Errors (RMSEs) of less than 1.0 pixel for United States scenes, and total RMSEs of less than 1.5 pixels for Mexican scenes. Registration control points are reselected for scenes which fail to meet quality objectives.

The final geocoded 1980's component for each triplicate is a six-band image. Bands 1 through 4 are comprised of MSS bands 1 through 4, band 5 (an Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) computed from MSS bands 2 and 4), and band 6 (a pixel identity band in which pixel values greater than or equal to 1 correspond to valid image data and pixel values of 0 correspond to non-image fill). The non-zero pixel identity values can be referenced to the alphanumeric attribute labels in the metadata records. The pixel identity images can be used to disaggregate a composite image into its constituent source images in order to accommodate scene-specific processing requirements (e.g., atmospheric correction, normalization of solar illumination angles).

The following systematic, radiometric, and geometric corrections are applied to 1970's MSS CCT-X data to generate the EROS Digital Image Processing System's EDIPS-P product. The CCT-X formatted data are preprocessed to correct for line length adjustments, variable detector response, band registration, nonlinear mirror-scan velocity, Earth rotational skew, and detector-to-detector offsets. The images are destriped to compensate for variations in the radiometric response of the individual detectors prior to geometric registration, because the noise is scan-line dependent. Using the satellite ephemeris data and platform navigation model, an interim systematic correction is then applied to generate a UTM-projected output image with a north-up orientation. Automated cross-correlation procedures (Bernstein, 1983; Scambos and others, 1992) are then implemented to extract control points from the 1970's and 1980's images to compute coefficients for image-to-image registration. This involves the use of a single band from each of the 1970's input images. Once an accurate transformation is developed, the grid for the interim systematic correction is convolved with the image-to-image transformation grid to produce coefficients, which facilitate a single-step registration of the 1970's P-product with the map-registered 1980's image. The net result is an image registration procedure that only involves one step of resampling. As of July 28, 1994, a full terrain correction is also applied to the 1970's image by correcting for the effects of relief displacement on a pixel-by-pixel basis using the previously created DEM image.

Cross-correlation procedures are also used to extract over 100 control points that are used for verification of image-to-image registration quality (1970's to 1980's) with target total RMSEs of less than 1.0 pixel. Previous studies have shown that the use of polynomial transformations alone on CCT-X format data yield only a 1.5-pixel to 2.0-pixel internal image accuracy once map projected, but the use of a satellite model overcomes this problem. Should the scene fail to meet quality objectives, image-to-image cross-correlation parameters may be altered and new registration control extracted or hand-selected image-to-image control may be used.

The last step involves the creation of a pixel identity band to accompany each of the 1970's images. Each pixel identity value is indexed to the specific 1970's scene used to fill-in the WRS-2 path/row tile with pixel values of 0 representing non-image fill. Typically, two or more 1970's images are required to provide complete coverage of a WRS-2 path/row tile.

The procedures for the 1990's image registration are similar to those for the 1970's data except that the 1990's data are acquired as P-level products. An interim systematic correction is applied to generate a north-up, UTM-projected image. Automated cross-correlation procedures are used to select control points and a transformation grid is computed for the image-to-image registration. The interim and precision transformation grids are convolved into a single grid which is then applied to the 1990's input to create its 1980's coregistered equivalent. Similar to the 1970's processing, this involves only one step of resampling. As of July 28, 1994, a full terrain correction is also applied to the 1990's image by correcting for the effects of relief displacement on a pixel-by-pixel basis using the previously corrected DEM image.

The verification of image-to-image registration quality is performed using cross-correlation procedures as was performed on the 1970's image. The target RMSE for this registration is less than 1.0 pixel. Should the scene fail to meet quality objectives, image-to-image cross-correlation parameters may be altered and new registration control extracted or hand-selected image-to-image control may be used.

Similar to the 1980's image, the 1990's component of each triplicate is a six-band image comprised of MSS bands 1 through 4, an NDVI image, and a pixel-identity image.

Prior to March 20, 1995, cloud-reduced compositing was performed after all the image data were coregistered. This step was performed only in cases where 1990's scenes with 30 percent or less cloud cover were not available. To minimize the amount of cloud cover in the 1980's or 1990's triplicate component, the EROS Data Center adapted Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) cloud compositing procedures for use in NALC triplicate generation (Eidenshink, 1992; Holben, 1986). The compositing process operates on image pairs and is based on the MSS NDVI:

(band 4 - band 2)/(band 4 + band 2)

This index is sensitive to variations in surface characteristics, such as biomass, and is sensitive to clouds (Justice and others, 1985). The NDVI is computed for each of the images to be used for compositing purposes. The maximum NDVI value determines which input image pixel brightness values will be used to constitute the output image. This maximum NDVI decision rule is computationally efficient and yields consistent results. A 1980's and/or 1990's triplicate component which has been composited will have a maximum NDVI image and a pixel identity image.

Figure displaying the process of modification for the Standard NALC Triplicate.
Standard NALC Triplicate (16 kb)

The NALC triplicate production process has undergone several modifications since processing began in January 1993:

2. Data Availability:

Data Type(s):

Landsat Multispectral Scanner Data
Digital Elevation Model Data
Level-1 Digital Terrain Elevation Data

Input/Output Media:

Proprietary Status:

The DTED for Mexico were acquired from the INEGI, and the distribution of these data is restricted. Only nonprofit organizations may acquire these data upon signing a restricted distribution form stating that the DEM data will be used for research purposes only and that the data will not be redistributed to any third parties. This form is available through the Customer Services. A signed restricted distribution form must be mailed to the Customer Services (faxed signatures are not acceptable). This form only needs to be submitted once in order to establish eligibility for acquiring these data. Subsequent orders may be placed, and the LP DAAC User Services will verify that the restricted distribution form is on file.

3. Data Access:

Data Center Location:

See Contact Information.

Contact Information:

Customer Services

Associated Costs:

Triplicates are distributed by the National Center for Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) for a cost.

4. Principal Investigator Information:

Not applicable (see Submitting Investigator Information).

5. Submitting Investigator Information:

Customer Services

6. References:

Bernstein, Ralph, 1983, Image geometry and rectification, in Colwell, R.N., ed., Manual of Remote Sensing: Falls Church, Va., American Society of Photogrammetry, p. 881-884.

Eidenshink, J.C., 1992, The 1990 conterminous U.S. AVHRR data set: Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, v. 58, no. 6, p. 809-813.

Holben, B.N., 1986, Characteristics of maximum-value composite images from temporal AVHRR data: International Journal of Remote Sensing, v. 7, no. 11, p. 1475-1497.

Justice, C.O., Townsend, J.R., Holben, B.N., and Tucker, C.J., 1985, Analysis of the phenology of global vegetation using meteorological satellite data: International Journal of Remote Sensing, v. 6, no. 8, p. 1271-1318.

Lunetta, R.S., and Sturdevant, J.A., 1993, The North American Landscape Characterization Landsat Pathfinder Project, in Pettinger, L.R., ed., Pecora 12 Symposium, Land Information from Space-Based Systems, Proceedings: Bethesda, Md., American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, p. 363-371.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1976, Data users handbook: [Greenbelt, Md.], National Aeronautics and Space Administration [variously paged].

National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1981, Draft Landsat-D worldwide reference system (WRS) users guide: [Greenbelt, Md.], National Aeronautics and Space Administration [variously paged].

Scambos, T.A., Dutkiewicz, M.J., Wilson, J.C., and Bindschadler, R.A., 1992, Application of image cross-correlation to the measurement of glacier velocity using satellite image data: Remote Sensing of Environment, v. 42, no. 3, p. 177-186.

U.S. Geological Survey, 1979, Landsat data users handbook (rev. ed.): [Arlington, Va.], U.S. Geological Survey [variously paged].

U.S. Geological Survey, 1987, Digital elevation models, US GeoData Users: Reston, Va., U.S. Geological Survey, 38 p.

U.S. Geological Survey, 1989, Digital line graphs from 1:100,000-scale maps, US GeoData Users Guide 2: Reston, Va., U.S. Geological Survey, 88 p.

U.S. Geological Survey and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1984, Landsat 4 data users handbook: [Washington, D.C.], U.S. Geological Survey and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration [variously paged].

Disclaimer: Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

7. Glossary of Terms:

Level-1 DTED
EOSDIS Glossary

8. List of Acronyms:

AVHRR -- Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer
CCT -- Computer Compatible Tape
DEM -- Digital Elevation Model
DLG -- Digital Line Graph
DMA -- Defense Mapping Agency
DTED -- Digital Terrain Elevation Data
EDIPS -- EROS Digital Image Processing System
EOS -- Earth Observing System
EPA -- Environmental Protection Agency
EROS -- Earth Resources Observation Systems
GWRP -- Global Warming Research Program
INEGI -- Instituto Nacional de Estadistica, Geografia e Informatica
LP DAAC -- Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center
MSS -- Multispectral Scanner
NALC -- North American Landscape Characterization
NASA -- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NDCDB -- National Digital Cartographic Data Base
NDVI -- Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
RMSE -- Root Mean Square Error
URL -- Uniform Resource Locator
USGS -- U.S. Geological Survey
UTM -- Universal Transverse Mercator
WRS -- Worldwide Reference System
EOSDIS Acronym List

9. Document Information:

Document Revision Date: April 06, 2005
Document Review Date: September 9, 1996
Document Curator: LP DAAC staff
Document URL:

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