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Selecting the Right U.S. Franchise Concept for Your Business

Have you ever visited a restaurant chain in the U.S. that doesn't exist in Canada and wished that you had one in your town? Have you ever read about or seen on TV a new and incredibly popular franchise concept in the U.S. and wondered why the company doesn't have any Canadian stores? Many of these popular franchises would love to expand into Canada, but they need Canadian businesspeople that believe in the concept and that would love to have their own business.

The U.S. Department of Commerce conducted a survey that looked at how many new businesses were still operating after the first year, after five years, and after ten years. The survey showed that the franchise businesses still operating after the first year was 97 percent, while only 62 percent of independent businesses were still operating. After five years, 92 percent of franchised businesses were still operating, compared to 23 percent of independent businesses. After 10 years, 90 percent of franchised businesses were still in business, while only 18 percent of independent businesses were still open.

If you are interested in the challenge of having your own business, but would like the security of a tried-and-tested U.S. franchise concept, take advantage of the opportunity by being the first person to open that new restaurant chain in Canada or in your town or by opening another outlet of a franchise that is already doing well in Canada. Either way, this guide can help you locate a great franchise opportunity!

Commercial News USA
Commercial News USA is a U.S. Department of Commerce Publication that features U.S. products and services for export. Currently more than 10,000 Canadian companies subscribe to this magazine, which has 10 issues per year. U.S. franchisors that are looking for international franchisees make up one section of this magazine. The Franchising section includes articles on U.S. franchise concepts going international and listings of U.S. franchisors that are looking for franchisees around the world. The franchise opportunities featured include well-known names, such as Subway and Manchu Wok, as well as franchises that are just beginning international expansion. Canadian businesspeople can subscribe to Commercial News USA free of charge in the Services section of this website.

International Franchise Association
The Virtual Franchise Opportunities Mall on the International Franchise Association's website is an excellent source of franchise opportunities. This directory allows you to search franchise opportunities by name, category, or investment amount. The website also has helpful guides, such as "Is Franchising For You?".

Canadian Franchise Association
Many U.S. franchisors that already have franchisees in Canada are members of the Canadian Franchise Association. If you are looking for information on opportunities for opening a franchise from one of the well-known U.S. chains that is already present in Canada, this website is the best place to go because it will give you the contact responsible for Canadian franchise opportunities. Use the "Find a Franchise" feature of the website to find the company you are looking for.

Be the Boss
This website features franchise opportunities and allows users to
search by region and specify the region they are interested in opening a franchise. This is a great resource for businesspeople that are interested in franchise concepts that do not yet have a strong presence in Canada, but that have expressed an interest in expanding here. When searching for franchise concepts by region on this website, the search can be further narrowed to specify the type of franchise you are interested in and the investment range.
For example, a December 2000 search of all franchise opportunities in Ontario found that 63 franchisors were seeking franchisees in Ontario. A search of franchise opportunities in Ontario in the category of "Food-Restaurant-Drive-in-Carry-out-Delivery" found 3 opportunities. This website also lists franchise shows and various links.

International Franchise Expo (IFE)
The International Franchise Expo is the world's largest franchise show and it attracts franchisors and potential franchisees from around the world. This annual show is held every year. For more information contact MFV Expositions at 210 East Route 4, Suite 304, Paramus, NJ 07652
Tel: 201-226-1130 Fax: 201-226-1131