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Secretary Hall's Message on Smart, Green & Growing Legislation

Secretary Richard E. Hall is pleased to join Governor O’Malley in announcing that three key planning bills from the Administration’s Smart, Green & Growing legislative package passed the 2009 General Assembly. Click here for more details.

MDP's Website Enhancement Survey
Over the next few months, the Maryland Department of Planning (MDP) will be refocusing its website design to better serve customer needs. This is the perfect opportunity for you, a Maryland growth and preservation stakeholder, to help us shape how our website works, how information is served and how we can provide better service to website users.

Please participate in our survey. It only takes 5 minutes and will help us serve you better.

Click here or on the image to the right.

"What We Learned From Our Citizens” Added to the Smart Growth Listening Sessions Page
The Maryland Department of Planning has summarized the main themes learned from the Smart Growth Listening Sessions held last fall.

To view “What We Learned From Our Citizens,” click here.

Click here to find out more about listening sessions
Maryland Prepares for 2010 Census
In preparation for the 2010 decennial Census, Governor O’Malley has directed the Maryland Department of Planning (MDP) the office of the Secretary of State (SOS) and the Governor’s Office of Community Initiatives (GOCI) to collaborate with the U. S. Census Bureau to enable a complete count of Marylanders. To adequately inform all Marylanders of the importance of the 2010 Census, which takes place April 1 next year, this group is planning creative and productive tools to implement the Governor’s Census 2010 Outreach campaign, an effort to educate Marylanders and encourage everyone to return census forms when they are issued next year.

The campaign theme, “The Success of the Census - It’s In Our Hands, Maryland!” guides the statewide partnership. Click here to read the full press release.

MDP 2008 Annual Report and Maryland Smart Growth Sub-Cabinet’s 2008 Report on the Implementation of the Smart Growth Areas Act Released

Highlighting statewide accomplishments toward Governor O’Malley’s vision for Maryland as smart, green and growing, the Maryland Department of Planning (MDP) today published both its 2008 Annual Report and the Maryland Smart Growth Sub-Cabinet’s 2008 Report.

MDP’s 2008 Annual Report summarizes the department’s accomplishments over the past year to help improve the quality of life in Maryland, while protecting Maryland’s precious, yet limited, land resources in every region of our State.

The Smart Growth Sub-Cabinet’s report, entitled “2008 Annual Report on the Implementation of the Smart Growth Areas Act,” summarizes the budgetary commitments of State agencies in fulfillment of Maryland’s premiere Smart Growth law.

Click here for Press Release.

Click here to download MDP’s 2008 Annual Report

Click here to read the Maryland Smart Growth Sub-Cabinet’s Annual Report (PDF)

Online Listening Sessions Survey Results
Over 1200 Marylanders from all 23 counties and Baltimore City participated in MDP’s online survey. The survey, modeled after the interactive questions at the nine Smart Growth Listening Sessions held throughout the state, gave respondents an opportunity to provide their opinions on the future of smart growth and development in the State.

The Maryland Department of Planning (MDP) and the Task Force on the Future for Growth and Development in Maryland sponsored this survey to allow citizen input to inform their ongoing work.

For a report of the survey results, please click here.

Click here to find out more about listening sessions

MDP Public Affairs Radio Show announces March Lineup
"Smart Planning," the 15-minute public affairs radio program of the Maryland Department of Planning (MDP), which airs on Baltimore's WCAO-AM (Heaven 600) on Saturday mornings announces its March program lineup. Click here to view announcement
New Resource Allows Local Government to See the Impact of Census Counts on Federal Funding
The Brookings Institution has prepared a series of tables showing Fiscal Year 2007 Federal Funds based on census data that were distributed to Maryland, its 23 counties and Baltimore City. These tables include federal programs that rely on data from the U. S. Census Bureau and data produced by other federal agencies that are derived from census statistics.

Click here to enter Maryland's 2010 Census Outreach page. Then scroll down to the Resource Tools for Outreach Efforts in Maryland section and select a report from the drop-down menu under the Federal Funds Distributed to Maryland and Its Jurisdictions, FY2007 heading.
Take the “Smart, Green & Growing” Survey
Governor O’Malley launched Maryland’s “Smart, Green & Growing" Initiative in December 2008.

Projected growth Maryland will bring new households and jobs to our state but also impact our transportation systems, energy use, housing needs, land development, and natural resources.

Take the Smart, Green & Growing Online Survey.

Maryland Planning Directors Roundtable – Spring 2009 Meeting
The next quarterly meeting of Maryland Planning Directors’ Roundtable will be held Thursday,March 19, 2009. Click here for details.
MDP’s “Smart, Green & Growing” Initiatives Page

The O’Malley Administration introduced five planning bills in the Maryland State Senate on January 27th that aim to advance the Governor’s Smart, Green & Growing Initiative.

“ Our Smart, Green and Growing legislative agenda is focused on protecting Maryland’s precious, yet limited, land resources in every region of our State, so that our families and children will someday to be able share these natural treasures with their own kids in the same way that our parents and grandparents shared them with us, said Governor Martin O’Malley. “It’s time to move from twenty years of treading water to twenty years of cleaner water and more sustainable growth. ”

Click here to view the page and learn more about Governor O’Malley planning bills

Click here to read the Governor’s full press release

Report Released from The Task Force on the Future for Growth and Development
The Task Force presented its report to Governor O’Malley at his “Smart, Green & Growing” press conference on January 12, 2009. The 89-page report entitled “Where Do We Grow from Here?” presents an assessment of current conditions in the State and outlines 52 recommendations for furthering smart, sustainable growth in Maryland.

The 21-member task force, created under HB 773 in the 2007 legislative session, began meeting in January 2008 with 13 specific charges to fulfill. The Task Force continues until December 2010.

Click here to download the report and appendices

MDP PlanCast Multimedia Site is Here!

MDP launched this web service for citizens to learn about the programs of the agency and about growth issues facing the State. MDP PlanCast presents interviews with the agency’s staff highlighting its programs and products.

Among the recently posted interviews are: Linda C. Janey, Assistant Secretary for MDP’s Communications & Clearinghouse, and Jason Dubow, Manager of MDP’s Water Resources Unit.

Click here to visit MDP PlanCast!

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Picture Of Governor O'Malley Picture of Secretary Hall